Identity of 3 people who died in an accident on an overpass in Can Tho


On the afternoon of July 18, Can Tho City authorities are continuing to investigate and clarify the cause of the traffic accident on the IC3 intersection overpass.

Accordingly, the identities of the 3 victims who died in a traffic accident at around 0:30 on July 18 on the IC3 overpass, Can Tho City include: PTL (17 years old, in Hung Phu ward, Cai Rang district); PMP (16 years old, in An Hoa ward, Ninh Kieu district) and LTH (17 years old, in An Phu ward, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city).

Photo: Gia Khiem
Authorities examine and investigate the accident on the IC3 overpass in Can Tho. Photo: Gia Khiem

Mr. Phan Thanh Binh (44 years old, L's parent) said that around 11 p.m. on July 17, his son left the house. According to Mr. Binh, it is likely that his son and two brothers went to visit him in the area near the Central Bus Station of Can Tho City. While going over the IC3 overpass, he had an accident when he hit the back of a container truck traveling in the same direction.

The family said that it has not yet been determined who was driving, but L was the one sitting in the middle and died in an intact condition.

All three victims were blood relatives and were not old enough to take a driver's license, so none of them had a driver's license. The motorbike in the accident belonged to P's brother, who was serving in the military. The motorbike was left at home for the family to use.

Previously, at around 0:30 on the same day, many drivers when traveling to the middle of the IC3 overpass in Cai Rang district discovered 3 young men lying motionless, on top of each other, including one body that was no longer intact.

Next to the 3 people is a motorbike with license plate number 65M1-075.xx. There were many blood stains and scattered objects at the scene. All three victims died.

Upon receiving the news, the traffic police force and professional units of the Can Tho City Police were present at the scene, examining and investigating the case.

The police determined that a container truck carrying construction steel with a license plate in Hanoi was driven by driver NVT (42 years old, Quang Binh province). When it arrived at this section, a collision occurred with the three teenagers above.

Authorities are currently working with driver T to investigate and clarify the cause of the accident.


Tai nạn trên cầu vượt IC3 ở Cần Thơ khiến 3 người tử vong


Một vụ tai nạn giao thông xảy ra trên cầu vượt nút giao IC3, đoạn qua địa bàn quận Cái Răng, Cần Thơ khiến 3 người tử vong.

Tai nạn giữa xe khách với xe tải, một người bị thương


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