Complete upgrading the road connecting Quang Ninh with Lang Son

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quang Ninh - After more than a year of construction, the project to upgrade and expand road 342 through Ba Che district, Quang Ninh province connecting with Lang Son province has been completed.

Project to upgrade Road 342, section from Ba Che district, Quang Ninh province is about 23km long, with the starting point connecting to Ky Thuong commune, Ha Long city at Km 37+500 and the ending point connecting to Bac Lang commune, Dinh Lap district, Lang Son province at Km58+405.

According to the project, the road is designed according to grade III mountainous standards, 2 lanes, 9m wide, with widening and lowering slopes, cutting corners based on the old alignment. On the designed route, there are 4 bridges, 1 intersection at the same level intersecting with provincial road 330; drainage system, protection... The project has a total investment of more than 800 billion VND from the budget of Quang Ninh province.

According to Mr. Pham Phuc Quang - Director of the Project Management Board for investment in construction of agricultural and rural development projects in Quang Ninh province, the unit assigned to be the investor of the project - upgrading and expanding the road met quite a lot of difficulties due to having to go downhill, cut corners, cross forests, hills, mountains, rivers, streams...

A section of road 342 connects Quang Ninh - Lang Son through the forests in Ba Che district, Quang Ninh province. Photo: Do ​​Phuong
A section of road 342 connects Quang Ninh - Lang Son through the forests in Ba Che district, Quang Ninh province. Photo: Do ​​Phuong

However, the construction units have made efforts and found many solutions. Up to now, the project has been basically completed and is expected to open to traffic at the end of July.

Regarding the inauguration and putting into use, Mr. Quang said that the investor and contractors will continue to complete some small tasks, while waiting for the evaluation and acceptance of relevant units. Then report to Quang Ninh province to ask for opinions on the inauguration date.

Road 342 is over 60km long, of which the section in Ha Long City is 37.5km long; The section through Ba Che district is 23km long.

Along with the section from Ba Che to Dinh Lap, Lang Son, the first section of the route, 13km long in Ha Long City, has a scale of level III mountainous road, 4 lanes, total investment of 816 billion VND, and was inaugurated at the end of the month. December 2023.

The remaining section, about 24km long, located between Ha Long City and Ba Che district in phase 2 is expected to start construction soon in the near future. This is a completely renewed basic road section and is very difficult to construct because it goes through dangerous mountainous areas and Dong Son - Ky Thuong Nature Reserve in Ha Long City.

This road section has a total investment of 3,695 billion VND, invested with local budget sources. In addition to its function as a traffic road, this route is also expected to be a beautiful architectural work.

Perspective of the bridge on route 342 between Ha Long City and Ba Che district, Quang Ninh province. Photo: Quang Ninh Department of Transport
Perspective of the bridge on route 342 between Ha Long City and Ba Che district, Quang Ninh province. Photo: Quang Ninh Department of Transport

When the entire route is completed, it will shorten the distance from Lang Son (from km 74+700, National Highway 4B) to Ha Long City by only about 60km, while also opening up new development spaces for the whole of Quang Nam. Ninh and Lang Son.

Nguyễn Hùng

Hơn 432.000 tỉ đồng nâng tầm du lịch Quảng Ninh, biến Cửa Lục thành vịnh Sydney bên bờ vịnh Hạ Long

Nguyễn Hùng |

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Quảng Ninh được quy hoạch 22 sân golf

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Với địa hình đặc trưng cùng cảnh quan thiên nhiên tươi đẹp, Quảng Ninh phấn đấu trở thành một trong những trung tâm du lịch sân golf của phía Bắc.

Hải Phòng, Quảng Ninh, Hải Dương hợp tác phát triển hạ tầng giao thông

Mai Dung |

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Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN động viên, hỗ trợ người lao động tại Tuyên Quang

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Tin 20h: Có gì bên trong xe đầu kéo vụ sập cầu Phong Châu?


Tin 20h: Cảnh sát cơ động cõng đồ tiếp tế, vượt núi vào vùng sạt lở; Không phát hiện thi thể trong xe đầu kéo vụ sập cầu Phong Châu...

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Minh Hạnh |

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Song Minh |

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