Kien Giang first time connecting to introduce OCOP products


OCOP product introduction stores help specialties reach more consumers, gradually expanding to the international market.

On September 8, Kien Giang Farmers' Association held the opening ceremony of Kien Giang OCOP product showroom.

According to Mr. Do Tran Thinh - Chairman of the Farmers' Association of Kien Giang province - the product display store aims to strengthen activities to support farmers in economic development, especially promoting activities to connect consumption of OCOP products and typical rural industrial products of the province.

In recent times, the Farmers’ Association of Kien Giang province has organized many practical activities to support entities in completing, developing products, promoting, and connecting consumption of OCOP products inside and outside the province. The opening of the Kien Giang OCOP showroom today also demonstrates the determination to contribute with all levels and sectors to effectively implement the OCOP program.

At the ceremony, Mr. Giang Thanh Khoa - Vice Chairman of Kien Giang Provincial People's Committee - said that in order to promote and introduce OCOP products to domestic and foreign consumers; in recent years, the Provincial Party Committee has directed the People's Committee, departments, branches, provincial organizations and People's Committees of districts and cities to strengthen the promotion and introduction of OCOP products, typical products, and local advantages through mass media; participate in e-commerce platforms.

Many products are brought into the supermarket system and retail stores, encouraging organizations and individuals to use OCOP products as gifts during holidays and Tet and building many plans, linking chains in production and consumption of products, including developing a system of stores introducing OCOP products.

Vice Chairman of Kien Giang Provincial People's Committee Giang Thanh Khoa visits the products on display. Photo: Nguyen Anh
Vice Chairman of Kien Giang Provincial People's Committee Giang Thanh Khoa visits the products on display. Photo: Nguyen Anh

Over the implementation of the One Commune One Product (OCOP) Program, Kien Giang's typical products have gradually developed in both quantity and quality. To date, the province has 269 products (including 6 5-star OCOP products, 36 4-star products, 227 3-star products), with more than 130 entities. With product diversity and constantly improving quality, the province's OCOP products have great potential for commercialization and deep access to markets.

“Today, for the first time, the Farmers' Association of Kien Giang province has connected to organize the opening of a store introducing OCOP products, which is not only an important milestone in the activities of the Farmers' Association of the province but also a bridge to continue helping our specialty products reach more consumers inside and outside the province, gradually expanding to the international market,” Mr. Khoa emphasized.

The Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also suggested that in the coming time, it is necessary to strengthen propaganda work on the media, raise awareness and create consensus among people when implementing; encourage good models, good practices, and typical examples of advanced development of OCOP products and typical products of the province.

In particular, at least 30% of OCOP entities participate in modern sales channels (supermarket systems, convenience stores; e-commerce trading floors; ...); encourage each district and city to have at least 1 point to introduce, promote and sell OCOP products.


Hội chợ OCOP trên nền tảng thương mại điện tử ở Quảng Ninh

Đoàn Hưng |

Đã có hơn 200 đơn hàng online qua nền tảng Tiktok shop sau 2 ngày khai trương hội chợ OCOP khu vực Đông Bắc – Quảng Ninh 2024.

Kiên Giang kết nối giao thương tiêu thụ sản phẩm OCOP với các tỉnh lân cận


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Du lịch nông thôn gắn với OCOP, mục tiêu kép mang lợi ích lâu dài


Kiên Giang - Phát triển du lịch nông thôn gắn với chương trình OCOP nhằm phát huy hiệu quả giá trị bản địa, góp phần khai thác tiềm năng về du lịch tại khu vực nông thôn theo hướng bền vững.

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