Clarifying responsibility after the train accident in Dong Nai


Train accident in which 2 people died in Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai directed to clarify collective and individual responsibilities for slow overcoming of risks warned 2 years ago.

The Railway Department has warned, has the Traffic Safety Committee deployed?

Regarding the very serious railway traffic accident that killed 2 people at Km 1696+458, Ho Nai - Bien Hoa area, Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee has issued a document signed by Acting Chairman of Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee Vo Tan Duc. , directed to urgently overcome the consequences.

2 people died in a railway accident at Km 1696+458, Ho Nai - Bien Hoa area. Photo: HAC
Pham Van Thuan Street intersects the railway at Km 1696+458, Ho Nai - Bien Hoa area. Photo: HAC

Accordingly, Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee assigned the Department of Transport to preside over and coordinate with the Provincial Police, Department of Home Affairs, Traffic Safety Committee, Vietnam Railway Administration, Vietnam Railway Corporation, and Bien City People's Committee. Hoa and other related units conducted a comprehensive review and assessment of existing and inadequacies in traffic infrastructure at this location.

In particular, the province pays attention to clarifying the responsibilities of relevant groups and individuals in slowly overcoming problems at Km 1696+458, Ho Nai - Bien Hoa area.

Previously, on June 9, 2022, the Vietnam Railways Department issued notice No. 1095/TB-CĐSVN announcing the conclusions of Director of Vietnam Railways Department Vu Quang Khoi on the work of ensuring traffic order and safety. railway in Dong Nai province.

The notice clearly states: At Km1696+458 on the road - Pham Van Thuan street (location of the accident - PV) intersects diagonally with the railway with 5 directions of traffic into the crossroad area; When closing the barrier to welcome the train, there are two openings on the right side of the railway route (alley 1334, the path from the frontage road to the barrier); There are still shops in the crossroads area, causing traffic jams, affecting traffic order in the area.

The Vietnam Railways Department also requested the locality to organize and arrange traffic safety guards (in the direction of alley 1334 and the path from the frontage road to the crossroad) to ensure traffic safety for people when crossing the road. horizontal street, clearing shops in the horizontal street area...

Then, on July 4, 2022, the Traffic Safety Committee of Dong Nai province issued document No. 191/BATGT implementing Notice No. 1095/TB-CĐSVN dated June 9, 2022 of the Vietnam Railways Department. In particular, the People's Committees of localities have been directed to organize inspection, review, and handle violations and shortcomings in order and safety of railway traffic corridors and violations of protection of signal information works. rail…

Car drivers entering from the dangerous entrance have been warned

On the evening of July 28, driver VVK (49 years old, residing in Bien Hoa City) drove a pickup truck with license plate number 60C-597.05 and entered the crossroad from the same entrance that had been warned by the Vietnam Railways Department and the Provincial Traffic Safety Committee. Dong Nai has an implementation document.

The car driven by Mr. VVK went onto the crossroads and then collided with the train. Photo: HAC
The car driven by Mr. VVK went onto the crossroads and then collided with the train. Photo: HAC

Previously, as Lao Dong Newspaper reported, at about 8:40 p.m. on July 28, train SNT5, controlled by driver D.HH (33 years old, residing in Thanh Hoa province), was traveling in the North-South direction, when it reached the crossroads. Km 1696 + 458 intersected with Pham Van Thuan street when it collided with a pickup truck with license plate number 60C- 597.05 driven by Mr. VVK (49 years old, residing in Bien Hoa city) coming from an alley (no barrier, in Tan ward). Forward) pairs along the tracks.

There were 4 people in the pickup truck at this time: Mr. VVK, Ms. MPP (42 years old), NVN (13 years old) and Ms. NTU (55 years old). Due to the strong impact from the train, the pickup truck was thrown into the garbage truck right in front of the alley entrance gate location 1613 and 1615 (quarter 3, Thong Nhat ward).

As a result, LMT (23 years old, garbage collector) and NVN died on the spot. The remaining 3 people in the pickup truck were taken to the emergency room by people.

The initial cause of the accident was determined by the authorities to be the pickup truck driver's lack of attention when the train passed.


Vụ tai nạn tàu hỏa ở Đồng Nai, đã cảnh báo từ 2 năm trước


Đồng Nai - Tai nạn tàu hỏa tại đường Phạm Văn Thuận (TP Biên Hòa) làm 2 người chết tối 28.7 được cảnh báo từ 2 năm trước về nguy cơ tai nạn ở hẻm 1334.

Danh tính 2 người chết vụ tàu hỏa va chạm xe bán tải


Đồng Nai – Vụ tàu hỏa va chạm xe bán tải ở đường Phạm Văn Thuận (TP Biên Hòa) khiến nhân viên thu gom rác L.M.T. (23 tuổi) và em N.V.N.(13 tuổi) tử vong.

Tàu hỏa va chạm trực diện xe bán tải, 2 người tử vong


Đồng Nai – Tối 28.7, tại gác chắn đường sắt trên đường Phạm Văn Thuận (TP Biên Hòa), tàu hỏa va chạm trực diện với xe bán tải khiến 2 người tử vong.

Tàn dư bão Yagi hồi sinh, đang hướng thẳng tới Ấn Độ

Thanh Hà |

Bão Yagi, cơn bão số 3 ở Biển Đông gây thiệt hại nặng nề ở Việt Nam, dự báo mạnh lên thành áp thấp nhiệt đới, gây mưa lớn ở Ấn Độ trong tuần tới.

Giá vàng hôm nay 15.9: Lỗ nặng tới 2 triệu chỉ sau một tuần

Khương Duy (T/H) |

Giá vàng hôm nay 15.9: Sau một tuần mua vàng, nhà đầu tư trong nước lỗ tới 2 triệu đồng.

Tuyên Quang xét nghiệm nước gấp, nghi vỡ đập bùn thải ở Bắc Kạn

Việt Bắc |

Tỉnh Tuyên Quang đã lấy mẫu nước suối tại một số xã ở huyện (Chiêm Hóa) để xét nghiệm sau thông tin nghi vỡ đập bùn thải ở Bắc Kạn.

Kỷ luật cán bộ tuần qua ở An Giang, Hà Giang, Gia Lai


Chủ tịch HĐND tỉnh An Giang Lê Văn Nưng, Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Hà Giang và nhiều cán bộ bị kỷ luật... là những thông tin về kỷ luật cán bộ tuần qua (9.9-14.9).

Ấm tình người nơi rốn lũ

Khánh Linh |

Có trải nghiệm thực tế mới thấm thía được những mất mát của người dân vùng lũ. Và cũng ở đó mới thấy được tình cảm của đồng bào cả nước đang hướng về rốn lũ miền Bắc.