Warmth of human love in the flood center

Khánh Linh |

Only through real experience can we truly understand the losses of people in flooded areas. And also there can we see the sentiments of the people of the whole country turning towards the flood center in the North.

Run from flood at night

Following the developments of storm No. 3, Ms. Trieu Quynh Anh (Thai Nguyen City) was somewhat less worried when the wind level weakened after making landfall. She thought that the storm would dissipate, the clouds would clear, the sky would clear, and life would return to normal.

However, the heavy rain kept pouring down. Lying in her rented room in Tuc Dan ward, she couldn't sleep because it had been a long time since there had been such a heavy and long rain.

Suddenly, there was a shout from the end of the alley "flooded, water rising, the street is flooded, run away from the flood or it will be too late".

The young girl woke up, just in time to move the refrigerator, washing machine and some clothes up with her roommate. The floodwaters rose rapidly. In the middle of the night, the sound of shouting and moving things to escape the flood caused chaos throughout the area.

Nguoi dan goi banh chung gui dong bao vung lu. Anh: Cong Sang
People wrap banh chung to send to people in flooded areas. Photo: Cong Sang

"Uncle, please save my family, my mother is paralyzed and my brother works far away, I can't carry her alone, water is flooding into my mother's bedroom" - in the distance, a 14-year-old girl's cry for help ran to the house. Immediately, the authorities sent someone to the house to help her mother get to safety.

At the same time, police and military forces assisted people on flooded streets to evacuate the elderly and children and move belongings and property to safety. Warehouses with hundreds of tons of rice, food, clothing, goods, etc. were all supported and transported by the militia to avoid flooding.

At the same time, authorities have set up blockades and warning ropes to prevent people and vehicles from passing through deeply flooded roads.

"Seeing the army and police means we're alive" - ​​the voices of two old people talking to each other after being helped to move to a high, safe place made everyone feel a little less worried.

"Hundreds of people braved the rain, looking towards the rescue boats of the authorities, frantically searching for their relatives among those brought ashore. Then the worry increased when the body of a child swept away by the flood on the afternoon of September 9 was found. When they saw it, many people burst into tears. But the authorities persisted in bringing people out of the flooded area, while providing necessities to those trapped.

After being safe on the second floor of an acquaintance's house, looking down at the raging floodwaters, gradually submerging loved ones in the murky, fast-flowing water, the soldiers still wading in the flood to try their best to save people's lives and property, I thought to myself, if I could choose again, I would still choose to be Vietnamese" - Ms. Quynh Anh recalled.

The charity trips

The flood has not yet ended, but people in the flood-hit areas are facing numerous difficulties as they are isolated, separated, lacking food, medicine and even daily necessities.

Understanding the hardships, these days, philanthropists across the country have shared love and support with people in flood-affected areas.

On all the roads to Lao Cai, Thai Nguyen, Phu Tho, Tuyen Quang, Yen Bai, Cao Bang, Lang Son, hundreds of trucks lined up with the words "Supporting flood victims in the North", bringing hope to the mountains, making passersby feel warm.

Wiping away the sweat that was running down his face, Nguyen Ngoc Hieu, a student at the Faculty of Tourism, Thai Nguyen University of Science, confided while packing meals with the locals to deliver to flooded households: "When the flood came, I was at school. When I returned to my room, the water had risen half a meter. I only had time to grab my phone and run away, without being able to get any more clothes than the ones I was wearing.

Nhung chien si dam minh trong nuoc lu giai cuu, tiep te do an cho nguoi dan vung lu Thai Nguyen. Anh: Khanh Linh
Soldiers wade in water to support people in flooded areas of Thai Nguyen. Photo: Khanh Linh

We split up to help sort the supplies, pack them into small bags and bring them to the people by police and military boats. Although we worked from morning to midnight, everyone encouraged each other to keep going, because compared to the hardships of the government and the comrades directly involved in the rescue, wading through the floodwaters for days and nights, it was nothing. We just wanted to contribute a small part, hoping that the people would soon overcome the difficulties."

In Kim Boi district, Hoa Binh province, although the rain has not stopped, at the Cultural House of Bai Chao village, Tu Son commune, more than a dozen people, some contributing money, some contributing labor, some washing rice, some washing leaves, washing beans, cutting meat, no one telling anyone, the work is surprisingly unified.

Quickly scooping out the cooked banh chung to drain the water, Ms. Bui Thi My Le (Bai Chao hamlet, Tu Son commune) shared: "We are also in a mountainous province, but fortunately we are safer than other provinces. That's why some families gathered together to contribute rice, beans and ingredients to wrap banh chung and send it to people in flooded areas. I hope everyone will soon overcome the difficulties."

Relief trucks continue to roll, carrying not only relief goods but also hugs and sincere words of encouragement, soothing the pain of natural disasters.

Khánh Linh

Tổng LĐLĐ Việt Nam trao 500 triệu đồng hỗ trợ NLĐ Lạng Sơn sau mưa lũ

Khánh Linh |

Lạng Sơn - Đoàn công tác của Tổng LĐLĐ Việt Nam trao 500 triệu đồng hỗ trợ đoàn viên, NLĐ bị thiệt hại sau mưa lũ trên địa bàn tỉnh.

Tổng LĐLĐ Việt Nam trao 2 tỉ đồng hỗ trợ Lào Cai khắc phục thiệt hại do mưa lũ

Kim Tuyến |

Ngày 14.9, đoàn công tác của Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động (LĐLĐ) Việt Nam đã trao hỗ trợ 2 tỉ đồng cho Ủy ban MTTQ Việt Nam tỉnh Lào Cai.

Cứu trợ bão lũ, tấm lòng thì không nên đong đếm bằng con số

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Thật đáng trách khi nhiều người thổi phồng số tiền mình đã ủng hộ để cứu trợ đồng bào chịu ảnh hưởng bão lũ ở miền Bắc.

Quỹ Tấm lòng Vàng nhận ủng hộ từ Ngân hàng số Cake giúp đồng bào vùng lũ

Trà My |

Sáng 14.9.2024, Quỹ Xã hội từ thiện Tấm lòng Vàng đã nhận được khoản ủng hộ bà con ảnh hưởng bão lũ trị giá 277 triệu đồng từ Ngân hàng số Cake.

Hàng trăm cán bộ, chiến sĩ ở Nam Định trắng đêm hộ đê

Lương Hà |

Nam Định - Trước dự báo lũ trên sông Hồng sẽ đạt đỉnh vào trưa nay (11.9), hàng trăm cán bộ, chiến sĩ chung tay cùng người dân hộ đê trong đêm.

Gần 1.000 chiến sĩ Hải quân giúp dân sau bão tại Quảng Ninh

Đoàn Hưng |

Ngày 10.9, Vùng 1 Hải quân tiếp tục triển khai các đơn vị trực thuộc để khắc phục hậu quả cơn bão số 3 tại tỉnh Quảng Ninh.

Kỳ vọng ở cụm công nghiệp trăm tỉ ở miền núi Thái Nguyên

Việt Bắc |

Cụm công nghiệp Tân Dương tại huyện miền núi Định Hóa, tỉnh Thái Nguyên có tổng mức đầu tư gần 500 tỉ đồng với kỳ vọng tạo việc làm cho trên 4.500 lao động địa phương.

Bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù vào hôm nay


Cơ quan chức năng tại tỉnh Bình Dương cho biết, sáng nay (19.9), bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù sau khi được xét giảm án.

Vietnam General Confederation of Labor donates 500 million VND to support Lang Son workers after floods

Khánh Linh |

Lang Son - The working delegation of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor presented 500 million VND to support union members and workers affected by floods in the province.

Vietnam General Confederation of Labor donates 2 billion VND to support Lao Cai to overcome damage caused by floods

Kim Tuyến |

On September 14, the working delegation of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL) presented 2 billion VND in support to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Lao Cai province.

Flood relief, kindness should not be measured by numbers

Hoàng Văn Minh |

It is regrettable that many people exaggerate the amount of money they have donated to help flood victims in the North.

Golden Heart Fund receives support from Cake Digital Bank to help flood victims

Trà My |

On the morning of September 14, 2024, the Golden Heart Social Charity Fund received a donation of 277 million VND for people affected by storms and floods from Cake Digital Bank.

Hundreds of officers and soldiers in Nam Dinh stay up all night to protect the dike

Lương Hà |

Nam Dinh - With the flood forecast to peak on the Red River at noon today (September 11), hundreds of officers and soldiers joined hands with local people to protect the dike at night.

Nearly 1,000 Navy soldiers help people after storm in Quang Ninh

Đoàn Hưng |

On September 10, Naval Region 1 continued to deploy its subordinate units to overcome the consequences of storm No. 3 in Quang Ninh province .