Continuous earthquakes in Kon Tum, how to prevent danger

Vũ Long |

Over the past 4 days, there have been consecutive earthquakes in Kon Plong commune (Kon Tum). Experts recommend that local authorities and people need to have coping skills.

In 4 days, 63 earthquakes occurred

According to the Institute of Geophysics, in just 4 days, 63 earthquakes consecutively occurred in Kon Plong district . Of which, on July 28, 2024 there are 21 matches, on July 29, 2024 there are 25 matches, on July 30, 2024 there are 4 matches, on July 31, 2024 there are 13 matches.

The earthquakes in Kon Plong commune have a small magnitude, below average (except for the 5.0 earthquake on July 28, 2024) and are stimulated earthquakes, caused by human impacts, but need proactively respond to unusual risks caused by natural disasters.

According to Mr. Nguyen Xuan Anh - Director of the Institute of Geophysics (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology), usually after large earthquakes there will be earthquakes of smaller intensity. In fact, after the 5.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred on July 28, there were a series of small earthquakes consecutively on July 29-31, 2024. However, research shows that the earthquake area in Kon Tum is unlikely to have an earthquake with a magnitude above 5.5.

How to respond when an earthquake occurs?

On the morning of August 1, 2024, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Anh said: Earthquakes can cause ground cracks; causing shaking, destroying structures, liquefying the ground causing subsidence and tilting of structures; Subsidence, landslides, rocks rolling from cliffs, can reduce the underground water level, affecting water sources, for example, the 2019 Cao Bang earthquake had a magnitude of 5.4 (M = 5.4) in Dam Thuy commune area. , streams lost water, water sources providing drinking water for thousands of surrounding people dried up, some drilled wells, the water was as cloudy as thin mud. The 2020 Moc Chau earthquake (M=5.3) in Na Muong commune had a water gushing phenomenon...

Earthquake responses. Source: Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Earthquake responses. Source: Department of Natural Resources and Environment

Preliminary studies predict that earthquakes in Kon Tum will continue in the near future, but they are unlikely to have a magnitude above 5.5 degrees, so people should not panic. It is important to reinforce the house to meet the requirements.

According to the Department of Natural Disaster Prevention and Control (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), if you are in areas with frequent earthquake warnings, you should proactively prepare emergency items including bottled drinking water, canned food, flashlights, and batteries. , radio, medical instruments, medicine and other necessities. Do not place heavy objects on high shelves, do not place beds or cabinets close to glass doors. Household items that easily fall or fall should be securely attached to the wall. Heavy objects such as bookshelves, wardrobes, etc. should be placed far away from exits and escape routes. People living in apartments need to master emergency exits. Follow announcements and instructions from authorities and local authorities.

If an earthquake occurs while you are indoors, immediately crawl under a sturdy table or bed to avoid falling objects and if the ceiling collapses, you will still have air to breathe. Stay there at least until the first tremor stops. Come out of your hiding place after the shaking stops and when the shelter is in real danger of collapsing. Always keep children and the elderly with you. Wear shoes and sandals to avoid stepping on broken glass or sharp objects. Quickly eliminate the heat source: If the earthquake is mild, turn off the gas valve, turn off electrical equipment and seek shelter. If it is too strong, after the first vibration stops, turn off the gas valve and turn off electrical equipment.

If the earthquake is small or immediately after the first tremor stops, open windows and doors to escape when necessary (to prevent deformation of construction components making it impossible to open the door). Do not leave the house during an earthquake. Be careful of construction components and objects falling on you.

Absolutely do not use the elevator. If you are in the elevator and the power is still on, quickly exit the elevator and find shelter in the building. If the elevator loses power, immediately lie down on the floor, protect your head with your hands, wait until the elevator operates again or the vibration stops, then call for help, use the stairs after exiting the elevator.

If an earthquake occurs while on the street, you should take refuge in vacant lots, away from high-rise buildings, high walls, electrical wires, advertising panels, large trees, etc.

If an earthquake occurs while driving, find a safe place to stop, it is best to pull the car to the side of the road, away from power poles, wires, bridges, overpasses, and ramps.

Vũ Long

Lý giải nguyên nhân động đất liên tiếp xảy ra tại Kon Tum

Phong Nguyễn |

Chuyên gia Viện Vật lý địa cầu khẳng định: Động đất tại Kon Tum là do phản ứng của các hồ chứa, không phải là hiện tượng bất thường. Khu vực này khó có động đất có độ lớn vượt 5.5.

Làm rõ nguyên nhân động đất gia tăng bất thường tại Kon Tum


Thủ tướng Chính phủ đã yêu cầu khắc phục hậu quả, làm rõ nguyên nhân động đất gia tăng bất thường tại Kon Tum.

Động đất ở Kon Tum sẽ tiếp tục diễn biến phức tạp


Nhà nghiên cứu địa chấn nhận định, động đất tại Kon Tum sẽ tiếp tục xảy ra trong thời gian tới, tuy nhiên khó có khả năng lớn hơn 5,5 độ richter.

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