Poor mother and child died on the way to the emergency room


Lam Dong - Discovering a pregnant woman in a dying state, people immediately took her to the hospital for emergency treatment, but she died later.

On the evening of September 13, the leader of the People's Committee of Loc Thang town, Bao Lam district (Lam Dong) confirmed that in the area, a mother and her child in extremely difficult circumstances died on the way to the hospital for emergency treatment.

According to initial information, at around 11 am the same day, when hearing strange noises in a rented room, people in residential group 18, Loc Thang town pushed the door open to see.

At this time, everyone discovered that Ms. H (33 years old) was in a dying state. After checking, everyone discovered that Ms. H's water had broken and she was about to give birth, so they quickly took her to Loc Thang Town Medical Station for emergency treatment.

The mother was then quickly transferred to Bao Lam District Medical Center. However, Ms. H and the baby both died on the way to the Medical Center.

At the time of the incident, Ms. H's husband, Mr. Dinh Van Thuong (38 years old), was working as a hired worker and her other children were all in school and daycare.

Through discussion, Mr. Nguyen Dinh Gan - Chairman of Loc Thang Town People's Committee - said that Ms. H's family's circumstances are extremely difficult, they have no house or land for production so they are renting.

The family has 4 children (the oldest is 10 years old, the youngest is 2 years old) and Ms. H was pregnant with her 5th child when the heartbreaking incident happened. Ms. H herself has heart disease and arthritis, so moving around and doing daily activities is very difficult.

Ms. H’s husband, Mr. Dinh Van Thuong, also has a history of mild schizophrenia. Despite this, Mr. Thuong still works for hire to support his family. Recently, Ms. H has received a monthly subsidy of 540,000 VND from the State.

After learning about the incident, local authorities visited, expressed condolences, encouraged and supported the family with 5 million VND; at the same time, organized funeral arrangements for Ms. H. and her children.

Understanding the extremely difficult and extreme circumstances of Ms. H's family, local authorities and mass organizations have also called for and mobilized funding to partially support the family.

Up to now, the local government and organizations have mobilized more than 40 million VND to help the family. Currently, the family is in dire need of cooperation and help from authorities at all levels, organizations and philanthropists.

Loc Thang Town People's Committee also reported to Bao Lam District People's Committee about Ms. H's family's case so that the district leaders can consider helping and supporting the family; especially taking care of Ms. H's 4 children because they are still too young.


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