Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power held a labor conference and 6-month summary

Vĩnh Tân |

Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant (Binh Thuan) - Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) Branch organized a Conference of Labor Delegates and a summary of production and business in the first 6 months of 2024.

A conference of labor representatives, summarizing production and business activities in the first 6 months of 2024, has just been organized by Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant (Factory) with the participation of Mr. Uong Quang Huy - Vice Chairman of the Company. Vietnam Electricity Union, Board of Directors, Trade Union Executive Committee of Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant and 150 elected delegates from units of the Plant.

Overview of the conference.
Overview of the conference.

Mr. Uong Quang Huy, on behalf of EVN's leaders, highly appreciated the efforts of the Board of Directors, officers and employees of the Factory in production work, especially the indicators of heat loss rate and availability coefficient. the plant's power units; Regarding grassroots democracy work, the Factory has performed well in the past. In the coming time, it is necessary to continue to promote the aspects that have been achieved combined with unanimously fighting against forms of abuse of democracy to causing internal disunity.

At the conference, Mr. Vu Thanh Hai - Director of Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant informed that in the first months of this year, the Plant's Board of Directors has closely directed all officers and employees to promote a sense of responsibility, Focusing on production, all power units are available well, the factory basically completes the set targets and tasks.

Mr. Vu Thanh Hai, Party Committee Secretary, Factory Director spoke at the Conference Mr. Vu Thanh Hai, Party Committee Secretary, Factory Director spoke at the Conference.
Mr. Vu Thanh Hai, Party Committee Secretary, Factory Director spoke at the Conference.

In the first 6 months of the year, the total electricity output of Vinh Tan 4 and Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant expansion was 4,965.36 million kWh, achieving 89.68% of the dry season plan of 5,536 million kWh; reaching 43.86% of the whole year plan of 11,324 million kWh delivered by EVN in 2024. Electricity production in the first 6 months of this year is higher than the same period last year at 2,681.9 million kWh.

Particularly, Phuoc Thai 1 Solar Power Plant under Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant achieved electricity production of 42.284 million kWh, reaching nearly 59% of the year's plan.

In recent times, Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant has paid attention to properly implementing regulations on management and use of reward funds and welfare funds, ensuring the legitimate rights of employees. The payment of social insurance, health insurance, trade union fees, and unemployment insurance for employees has been fully implemented, on time, according to State regulations, with no outstanding debts...

In the last 6 months of the year, the factory proactively increased the availability of generating units to meet the mobilization of the National Power System Dispatch Center, and enhanced operational inspection; strive to successfully complete the economic and technical targets assigned by EVN.

That is, the electricity output produced in the last 6 months of 2024 of Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant is 4,194.5 million kWh and Vinh Tan 4 expansion is 1,593.1 million kWh. In addition, the plant is expected to additionally generate in the last months of 2024 the electricity shortage of the first 6 months of the year of 571.35 million kWh to ensure the implementation of 100% of the 2024 electricity output plan approved by EVN. delivered is 11,324 million kWh.

All factory officials and workers are determined to work together with all EVN employees to overcome current difficulties and successfully complete the 2024 plan tasks assigned by EVN to build Vinh Thermal Power Plant. Tan 4 develops sustainably, improving the material and spiritual lives of the factory's workers.

Vĩnh Tân

Công đoàn Nhà máy Nhiệt điện Vĩnh Tân 4 hưởng ứng ngày Thương binh Liệt sĩ

Vĩnh Tân |

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Vĩnh Tân |

Ngày 5.3, tại Bình Thuận, Nhà máy Nhiệt điện Vĩnh Tân 4 - Chi nhánh Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam đã tổ chức lễ phát động trồng cây năm 2024 và triển khai trồng mới hàng trăm cây xanh trong khuôn viên nhà máy.

Nhà máy Nhiệt điện Vĩnh Tân 4 có nhiều sáng kiến từ cơ sở đến cấp EVN

Vĩnh Tân 4 |

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