Speed ​​up the construction of a 20,400 billion VND expressway in Quang Ngai - Hoai Nhon


Quang Ngai has handed over 100% of the clean ground for the Quang Ngai - Hoai Nhon expressway . Currently, the contractor is speeding up construction, with the goal of having the technical route open by the end of 2025.

The Quang Ngai - Hoai Nhon expressway section is 88km long, passing through Quang Ngai province (60.3km) and Binh Dinh (27.7km). This is the project with the largest total investment and scale among the 12 component projects. Total investment: 20,400 billion VND, of which construction value is 14,400 billion VND. Investor: Project Management Board 2 (Ministry of Transport). General construction contractor: Deo Ca Group.

The entire project deployed 45 construction steps, mobilizing nearly 4,000 personnel and more than 1,700 machinery and equipment to the construction site. Photo: Vien Nguyen
The entire project deployed 45 construction steps, mobilizing nearly 4,000 personnel and more than 1,700 machinery and equipment to the construction site. Photo: Vien Nguyen

According to information Deo Ca Group provided to reporters of Lao Dong Newspaper, the entire project has deployed 45 construction steps, mobilizing nearly 4,000 personnel and more than 1,700 machinery and equipment to the construction site. All 3 bidding packages (XL1, XL2, XL3) are constructed in 3 shifts. As for the tunnel items, the contractor carries out construction continuously 24/24, with engineers and workers taking turns working non-stop.

At package XL01, contractors mobilized nearly 500 pieces of equipment and more than 1,100 engineers and workers, deploying 11 road construction tasks, including excavation works, soft soil treatment, K95 foundation filling, and material filling. granular K95, K98,... In particular, the average daily volume of K95 embankment is nearly 30,000m³, it is expected that by September 30, soil embankment will be completed.

Sharing with reporters, Mr. Tran Van Chi - Commander of the XL01 package said that the contractor is determined to complete the road embankment by September 2024, bringing the project to the finish line in 2025. Immediately after handing over the site. , the contractor already has one and a half times more motorbikes and equipment than required to speed up progress. For the asphalt concrete item, the contractor is also focusing on designing and commissioning the station. The plan is to cover the first meters of package XL01 by the end of August 2024.

According to the reporter, at the XL02 package passing through Duc Pho town and the XL03 package is about 30.8km long, extending from Duc Pho town to Hoai Nhon town, currently on the construction site, contractors mobilize hundreds of machinery, with about 1,450 employees, working day and night on the project.

All 3 bidding packages (XL1, XL2, XL3) are constructed in 3 shifts, especially for tunnel items, the contractor performs construction continuously 24/24, engineers and workers take shifts to work continuously. stop. Photo: Vien Nguyen
Engineers and workers work in shifts without stopping. Photo: Vien Nguyen

Talking to reporters, Mr. Ngo Van Dung - Director of the Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Project Management Board said that the unit is accelerating the progress to complete the entire relocation of the works. public area within the construction scope of the main Quang Ngai - Hoai Nhon expressway, ensuring it does not affect the construction progress of the contractors.

Sharing with reporters, Mr. Nguyen Quang Huy - Deputy General Director of Deo Ca Group said that in order to complete the K95 soil embankment before the rainy season and complete tunnels No. 1 and No. 2 before December 31, 2024, the contractor has added Added 7 new construction jobs at the cutting scope, reducing the volume of contractors behind schedule. Mobilizing 13 cement concrete mixing plants along the route to serve the construction of cement reinforced aggregate layer. The output of the entire project reached nearly 5,200 billion VND, equivalent to more than 38% of the total volume.


Quảng Ngãi nỗ lực gỡ khó các dự án giao thông nghìn tỉ đồng


Nhiều dự án giao thông nghìn tỉ đồng ở Quảng Ngãi đang vướng do người dân vẫn chưa đồng ý nhận tiền bồi thường, bàn giao mặt bằng.

Quảng Ngãi đặt mục tiêu hình thành Trung tâm Lọc hóa dầu


Quảng Ngãi đề nghị Bộ Công Thương tạo điều kiện để tỉnh hình thành Trung tâm Lọc hóa dầu và Năng lượng quốc gia ở Khu kinh tế Dung Quất.

Từ chối nhận tiền bồi thường Dự án cao tốc Quảng Ngãi - Hoài Nhơn vì khung giá quá thấp

Viên Nguyễn |

Hàng chục hộ dân với hàng trăm nhân khẩu ở xã Nghĩa Kỳ, huyện Tư Nghĩa, tỉnh Quảng Ngãi chấp nhận tháo dỡ nhà cửa để nhường đất làm dự án cao tốc Quảng Ngãi - Hoài Nhơn nhưng không nhận tiền đền bù vì cho rằng, khung giá bồi thường quá thấp. Không còn nhà cửa, họ phải dựng lều, thuê nhà để ở, rơi vào tình cảnh khổ sở.

Áp thấp nhiệt đới kết hợp nhiều hình thế nguy hiểm


Cơ quan khí tượng cho biết, dải hội tụ nhiệt đới nối với áp thấp nhiệt đới kết hợp gió mùa tây nam đang gây thời tiết mưa dông gió mạnh trên biển.

Hà Nội có hơn 40 cầu yếu không đảm bảo lưu thông

Minh Hạnh |

Theo Sở Giao thông Vận tải (GTVT) Hà Nội, hiện toàn thành phố vẫn còn hơn 40 cây cầu không bảo đảm điều kiện lưu thông.

Đường dây 500kV mạch 3 có bị ảnh hưởng bởi bão số 3?

Anh Tuấn |

Theo EVNNPT, đường dây 500kV mạch 3 từ Quảng Trạch (Quảng Bình) đến Phố Nối (Hưng Yên) không bị ảnh hưởng, hư hỏng bởi bão số 3.

Đường 1.300 tỉ ở Hà Nội đạt 95% khối lượng rồi "đắp chiếu"


Hà Nội - Đạt 95% khối lượng và nhận đủ mặt bằng thi công song đoạn vành đai 2,1km, vốn 1.300 tỉ đồng vẫn chưa hẹn ngày về đích.

Không phát hiện thi thể trong xe đầu kéo vụ sập cầu Phong Châu

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Các cơ quan chức năng không phát hiện thấy có nạn nhân nào trong chiếc xe đầu kéo đang mắc kẹt ở vị trí cách cầu Phong Châu gần 100m.

Quang Ngai is making efforts to overcome difficulties in trillion-dollar traffic projects


Many trillion-dollar traffic projects in Quang Ngai are in trouble because people have not yet agreed to receive compensation and hand over the site.

Quang Ngai aims to establish a Petrochemical Refining Center


Quảng Ngãi Province proposed that the Ministry of Industry and Trade create favorable conditions for the province to establish the National Oil Refinery and Energy Center in the Dung Quất Economic Zone.

Refused to receive compensation for the Quang Ngai - Hoai Nhon Expressway Project because the price bracket was too low

Viên Nguyễn |

Dozens of households with hundreds of people in Nghia Ky commune, Tu Nghia district, Quang Ngai province agreed to demolish their houses to give up land for the Quang Ngai - Hoai Nhon expressway project but did not receive compensation because they believed that, The compensation price bracket is too low. Without a home, they had to set up tents and rent houses to live in, falling into a miserable situation.