Dong Loc bell - desire for peace


The bell tower at the special national relic site of Nga Dong Loc (Ha Tinh) - a work of gratitude and commemoration of heroic martyrs - has a particularly important contribution from the Golden Heart Charitable Society Fund.

During the journey of gratitude in July, the special National Monument Nga Dong Loc has become a particularly sacred red address for domestic and international people. Dong Loc intersection, once fierce with fire and smoke, has become a symbol of Vietnamese revolutionary heroism.

Today, the Dong Loc Relic Area is being built more and more spaciously, with many special architectural works such as: Tomb area of ​​10 female volunteers, National Memorial stele house, combat sand table, museum, tower. Dong Loc bell, statues of 10 female volunteers and many other spiritual cultural works.

In the complex of works of the Dong Loc Junction Relic Area, the Dong Loc bell tower is a work marked by contributions from the Trade Union and Lao Dong Newspaper.

The Dong Loc bell tower project was built from the initiative of Ha Tinh province, Lao Dong Newspaper, Golden Heart Charitable Society Fund, Investment Newspaper, National Academy of Administration... coordinated to organize and mobilize donations.

The process of starting the bell tower project encountered many difficulties in terms of funding, administrative procedures, the Party Committee leaders, the Editorial Board of Lao Dong Newspaper, and the Golden Heart Charitable Society Fund continuously visited Ha Tinh and the Crossroads. Dong Loc, conducted field surveys, worked with leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, Ha Tinh Provincial People's Committee, Ha Tinh Provincial Labor Confederation and relevant units and localities, actively implementing work to get the project started soon.

In addition, the leaders of Lao Dong Newspaper and the Golden Heart Charity Fund actively contacted agencies, organizations, businesses... to call and mobilize to contribute funds to build the bell tower. Many news and articles in Lao Dong Newspaper continuously communicated about the event, creating a spillover and attracting the attention of businesses, philanthropists and people from all walks of life to join hands to support funding for the project. Spirituality has this especially important meaning.

With the tireless efforts of the leaders of Lao Dong Newspaper, the Golden Heart Charity Fund and related units, the Dong Loc bell tower project broke ground on July 14, 2007, and construction began on on March 26, 2009 and inaugurated on January 2, 2011 with a total investment of about 27 billion VND volunteered by people across the country, of which the main items are a 37m high bell tower including 7 floors and 1 attic floor. The roof has a large bronze bell weighing nearly 6 tons, 3.7m high, 1.95m in diameter, made by artist Nguyen Van Ung (Hoa Mai Bronze Casting Facility - Ngu Xa, Hanoi) within 11 months.

On the evening of January 2, 2011, the People's Committee of Ha Tinh province solemnly held the inauguration of Dong Loc Bell Tower at Dong Loc Junction Relic Area.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Head of the Central Propaganda Department To Huy Rua reviewed the heroic tradition of our nation's great resistance war against America. Dong Loc - where thousands of the nation's outstanding children fell, including the extremely touching sacrifice of 10 young female volunteers who became a shining symbol of will and heroism. revolution, great symbol of the art of people's war. Comrade To Huy Rua also warmly praised and welcomed the initiative of Ha Tinh province, Lao Dong Newspaper, Investment Newspaper, and Golden Heart of Labor Fund for coordinating to organize merit donations to build the Nga Ba Bell Tower. Dong Loc. In particular, October this year is the occasion to celebrate the 28th anniversary of the establishment of the Golden Heart Charitable Social Fund. During that journey, along with organizing donations to build the spiritual work of Dong Loc Bell Tower, the Fund organized activities to support people in areas of natural disasters, storms and floods, the Hoang Sa - Truong Sa Charity, and build building schools, boarding houses for poor students in localities, the Net of Gratitude program, taking care of Tet for workers and children of workers and civil servants, Trade Union Shelters... in Ha province Static and even water.

"The Dong Loc bell tower project has a particularly important mark, expressing the gratitude of the people across the country to the Martyrs and Heroes through the Golden Heart Charitable Social Fund" - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Ha Tinh Le Ngoc Chau affirmed.


Lễ giỗ 10 nữ Thanh niên xung phong Ngã ba Đồng Lộc


Ngày 24.7, BQL Khu di tích Ngã ba Đồng Lộc (Hà Tĩnh) tổ chức lễ giỗ lần thứ 56 cho 10 nữ Anh hùng liệt sĩ thanh niên xung phong Ngã ba Đồng Lộc.

Khát vọng hòa bình từ tiếng chuông Đồng Lộc


Hà Tĩnh - Tiếng chuông Đồng Lộc tri ân anh hùng liệt sĩ và ngân lên khát vọng hòa bình của dân tộc.

Phó Chủ tịch Thường trực Tổng LĐLĐVN dâng hương tại Ngã ba Đồng Lộc


Chiều 20.7, Phó Chủ tịch Thường trực Tổng LĐLĐ Việt Nam Thái Thu Xương đã đến dâng hương tại Di tích Ngã ba Đồng Lộc (Can Lộc, Hà Tĩnh).

Hàng nghìn du khách về dâng hương ở di tích lịch sử Ngã ba Đồng Lộc


Ngày mồng 2 Tết Giáp Thìn 2024 (11.2), tại Di tích lịch sử Quốc gia đặc biệt Ngã ba Đồng Lộc (thị trấn Đồng Lộc, huyện Can Lộc, tỉnh Hà Tĩnh) có hàng nghìn người dân, du khách về tham quan, dâng hương.

Một nhà hàng ở Yên Bái bị tố chặt chém đoàn từ thiện bão lũ

Trần Bùi |

Một nhà hàng trên địa bàn TP Yên Bái bị đoàn khách từ thiện tố "chặt chém" khi thu hóa đơn tới gần 5 triệu đồng cho bữa cơm 12 người.

Sạt lở khiến một ngôi trường đang xây có nguy cơ đổ sập


Thanh Hóa - Một ngôi trường đang xây dựng thì bị đất đá sạt lở, hậu quả khiến công trình xô nghiêng, nứt và có nguy cơ đổ sập.

Bão số 4 gây mưa, vườn nhà dân xuất hiện hố sụt lún


Ảnh hưởng bão số 4 đã gây mưa, khiến 1 hố sụt lún xuất hiện ở vườn nhà dân ở Cam Lộ, tỉnh Quảng Trị.

Chứng khoán chờ tác động tích cực sau khi Fed hạ lãi suất

Gia Miêu |

Tâm lý của giới đầu tư chứng khoán đang nóng lòng chờ đợi những hiệu ứng tích cực sau khi Fed hạ lãi suất.

Death anniversary of 10 female Youth Volunteers at Dong Loc Junction


On July 24, the Management Board of Dong Loc Junction Relic Area ( Ha Tinh ) held the 56th death anniversary ceremony for 10 female heroic martyrs and youth volunteers at Dong Loc Junction .

The desire for peace from the Dong Loc bell


Ha Tinh - The bell of Dong Loc pays tribute to heroic martyrs and rings out the nation's desire for peace.

The Standing Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor offered incense at Dong Loc Junction


On the afternoon of July 20, Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Thai Thu Xuong offered incense at the Dong Loc Junction Relic (Can Loc, Ha Tinh ).

Hàng nghìn du khách về dâng hương ở di tích lịch sử Ngã ba Đồng Lộc


Ngày mồng 2 Tết Giáp Thìn 2024 (11.2), tại Di tích lịch sử Quốc gia đặc biệt Ngã ba Đồng Lộc (thị trấn Đồng Lộc, huyện Can Lộc, tỉnh Hà Tĩnh) có hàng nghìn người dân, du khách về tham quan, dâng hương.