Standards for traffic police to perform traffic command duties

Thế Kỷ |

Traffic police performing traffic command and control tasks must have a People's Public Security Intermediate level or equivalent or higher.

The Ministry of Public Security drafts a Circular regulating the command and control of road traffic by the Traffic Police to seek comments from agencies, organizations and individuals. There are clear regulations on the requirements and standards of Police command and traffic control.

Standards and requirements

In Article 4, the draft Regulations on road traffic command and control of the Traffic Police, which the Ministry of Public Security is consulting on, stipulates requirements and standards for Traffic Police officers to be Perform traffic command and control duties.

Accordingly, in terms of requirements, traffic police officers must master and strictly comply with the provisions of this Circular and other relevant provisions of law; Perform correctly, fully and responsibly assigned tasks; Democratic regulations in ensuring traffic order and safety and the People's Police Order.

Regarding standards, have a People's Public Security Intermediate level or equivalent or higher. For officers and non-commissioned officers who graduate from schools outside the Police sector, they must have passed training courses on law and People's Public Security operations according to regulations.

At the same time, traffic police officers must be professionally trained in traffic command and control according to the program and content of the Traffic Police Department. Officers and soldiers managing, operating, and exploiting signal light systems and smart devices supporting traffic command must be trained on how to use, maintain, and operate the operating procedures produced by the unit. , installation organization or instructions.

Regarding the operating methods of the Traffic Command and Control Police, including: Commanding and controlling traffic at intersections; Command and control traffic at a location or area on the road when traffic jams occur; Command and control traffic in areas where events, festivals and conferences take place.

Support tools

According to Article 6 of the draft regulations, in addition to the uniforms, equipment and vehicles prescribed for Traffic Police, Traffic Command and Control Police are equipped with at least:

Horns, traffic control sticks, white gloves; reflective clothing; Traffic police raincoats and rain boots;

Motorcycles, personal walkie-talkies; guns, electric batons, figure-eight locks, handheld battery speakers and cans of crime scene paint;

Smart devices supporting the command and control of road traffic must be safety-tested by competent authorities and provided or permitted for use by the Ministry of Public Security. Other professional technical means and equipment according to regulations of the Ministry of Public Security.

The use of means, professional technical equipment, weapons, and support tools must comply with the provisions of law and the Ministry of Public Security.

The full text of the draft Circular is posted on the Ministry of Public Security's electronic information portal to collect comments within 60 days from the date of posting (from July 30 to September 30, 2024).

Thế Kỷ

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