Clean up polluted canals in Nam Dinh after feedback from Lao Dong

Hà Vi |

Nam Dinh - After the report of Lao Dong Newspaper, the open canals in the polluted and foul-smelling residential area in Nam Dinh were treated and cleaned of trash.

Previously, on August 12, Lao Dong Newspaper published the article " Channel in polluted residential area, turning black in Nam Dinh ". The article reflects on the serious pollution situation in the canal running in the residential area in Hai Minh commune, about 1km long.

The polluted canal route in Hai Minh commune (Hai Hau district, Nam Dinh province) was previously recorded by Lao Dong Newspaper reporter. Photo: Ha Vi
The polluted canal route in Hai Minh commune (Hai Hau district, Nam Dinh province) was previously recorded by Lao Dong Newspaper reporter. Photo: Ha Vi

According to local people, this canal is a drainage canal that has existed for many years. However, in the past 5 years, the canal has been seriously polluted. In many places, the canal water turned turbid black, smelled foul, and garbage floated on the water surface. Flies and mosquitoes from the rotten canal flooded into people's houses, affecting daily activities and life.

Immediately after Lao Dong Newspaper reported, many people living near the polluted canal said that the local government of Hai Minh commune had mobilized forces to overcome and initially handle this canal.

People and the youth union of Hai Minh commune join hands to clean up trash in the canal.
People and the youth union of Hai Minh commune join hands to clean up trash in polluted canals. Photo: Nguyen Van
The polluted canal route was initially fixed after feedback from Lao Dong Newspaper. Photo: Nguyen Van

On August 22, talking to reporters from Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Nguyen Van Hoi - Vice Chairman of Hai Minh Commune People's Committee - said: "We mobilized about 50 people and youth groups to clean up and pick up trash. Afterwards , we sprinkled lime powder to overcome the initial pollution.

In the long term, to eliminate pollution, we will coordinate with Irrigation Works Exploitation Company Limited to dredge canals in the area.

In addition, the local government also promoted propaganda work, mobilizing people to classify waste, not to throw trash indiscriminately to preserve environmental hygiene, and to establish a team to clean up leaves on the canal surface. monthly period".

Hà Vi

Suốt 10 năm chiếm lòng đường họp chợ ở Nam Định

Hà Vi |

Tại tuyến đường Phù Long (TP Nam Định), tiểu thương ngang nhiên chiếm lòng đường, vỉa hè làm nơi bày bán hàng hóa, gây cản trở giao thông trong khu vực.

Cắm biển cảnh báo cầu ở Nam Định sau phản ánh của Lao Động

Lương Hà |

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Nam Định kiểm tra bãi rác ô nhiễm sau phản ánh của Lao Động

Hà Vi |

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Nguyễn Tùng |

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Nhóm PV |

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Minh Nguyễn |

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