From January 1, 2025, Circular 01/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health officially took effect, opening up many new benefits for patients. Accordingly, people with one of 62 rare diseases, serious diseases or requiring major surgery will be examined and treated directly at upper-level hospitals without a referral letter. All medical examination and treatment costs will be 100% covered by health insurance.
This list of 62 diseases includes many serious illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke... and has been updated, adding 20 more diseases compared to the old list.
This new regulation helps patients save time, reduce administrative procedures and have access to the best medical services.

The Ministry of Health has instructed that in the case of patients with the above 62 diseases, when diagnosed and determined at the initial level, they will enjoy benefits according to regulations when they go to a specialized level for examination and treatment. That is, they do not need a referral letter but still enjoy 100% of the health insurance benefits as prescribed.
In case a patient goes to a specialist for examination and treatment and is diagnosed with one of the 62 diseases above, the patient is also entitled to benefits according to regulations right from the first examination and treatment.
If a patient has been diagnosed with the above 62 diseases at an advanced level, but requests examination and treatment of other diseases, he/she will only be entitled to benefits for the diseases on the list. He/she will not be entitled to benefits as for examination and treatment of rare diseases and serious diseases according to regulations.