The mother named L.T.T.M (29 years old, from Hau Giang province) was hospitalized with pain in the left pelvic area, 16 weeks pregnant. Through medical history, the mother had previously discovered an ovarian tumor before pregnancy, but had not yet intervened to treat the tumor.
Through examination, doctors discovered a tumor occupying almost the entire abdomen, and the mother underwent intensive paraclinical tests. The results showed that the woman's left ovarian region had a large tumor, about 25x15cm.
Doctors determined that this was a dangerous case. If not operated on promptly, the tumor can cause torsion, ovarian necrosis, follicular rupture, and a high risk of miscarriage. After consultation, the surgical team was led by Dr. CKII. Do Thi Minh Nguyet, the head of the team, decided to have surgery to remove the tumor and stabilize the health of the fetus.

The surgery was performed quickly, the left ovarian tumor with a diameter of about 25cm was successfully removed, preserving the ovaries and fetus. The cyst sample was sent for pathological pathology. Currently, the mother's health is stable, the fetus is safe and is being monitored in the Obstetrics Department.
Doctor CKII. Do Thi Minh Nguyet - Deputy Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Can Tho City Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital - said that ovarian cyst is a common gynecological disease in women. During pregnancy, if the cyst increases in size, it can cause dangerous complications.
Doctor Nguyet recommends that women should have a general reproductive health check-up before pregnancy. When detecting ovarian cysts during pregnancy, it is necessary to closely monitor, follow the instructions of specialists and have regular check-ups at obstetrics hospitals to ensure the safety of both mother and baby.