Ho Chi Minh City announced a measles epidemic to facilitate disease prevention

Thùy Linh |

According to the Department of Preventive Medicine, in terms of professional criteria, Ho Chi Minh City is qualified to declare a measles epidemic according to regulations.

If you have immunity, you are not afraid of disease

Doctor Truong Huu Khanh - Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City Association of Infectious Diseases commented: Ho Chi Minh City declaring a measles epidemic will be favorable for epidemic prevention, because all resources can be mobilized to participate in measles prevention. Despite the announcement of an epidemic, tourists who often come to work in Ho Chi Minh City should not be too confused or worried if they have been vaccinated against measles before.

"People who are immune do not have to be afraid of measles," Dr. Truong Huu Khanh emphasized.

If 1 person with COVID-19 only infects 2 - 5 people, then 1 person with measles can infect 12 - 18 people around them who are not immune to measles. Measles is at risk of outbreaks every 5 years, and is currently in this epidemic cycle.

To prevent the risk of outbreaks, measles vaccination coverage needs to reach 95% to achieve herd immunity. However, the measles vaccination rate in Vietnam in recent years has dropped below the ideal threshold, contributing to the measles outbreak in Ho Chi Minh City.

More dangerously, if not prevented promptly by increasing vaccination and other disease prevention methods, not only in Ho Chi Minh City, but neighboring provinces and cities are also at risk of appearing and increasing the number of measles cases. Serious complications of the disease, the epidemic becomes more complicated, and more dangerous is the measles epidemic that can break out on a large scale throughout the country.

Meanwhile, many people believe that measles is a mild disease that can go away on its own without causing any danger to the patient. But in reality, measles can lead to serious complications and even death if not properly cared for and treated.

A common complication of measles is acute pneumonia, leading to progressive respiratory failure. In developing countries, pneumonia complications account for up to 80% of children with measles and are the cause of death from measles.

In addition, measles can also cause complications such as blindness, acute diarrhea, encephalitis, and myelitis, especially in young children, malnourished children, HIV/AIDS or congenital immunodeficiency diseases. Measles during pregnancy can also cause miscarriage and premature birth.

Reason why Ho Chi Minh City announced a measles epidemic

Regarding Ho Chi Minh City's declaration of a measles epidemic, according to the Department of Preventive Health, in terms of professional criteria, Ho Chi Minh City is qualified to declare a measles epidemic according to the provisions of the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and based on Decision No. 02/2016/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister regulating conditions for declaring epidemics and declaring the end of infectious diseases. The declaration of an epidemic is decided by the locality and is also based on the city's ability to respond.

Although, from the beginning, Ho Chi Minh City has prepared well for possible scenarios and has a measles vaccination plan to prepare for this epidemic, but the City needs to continue to mobilize more resources and deploy it. Stronger and more drastic epidemic prevention and control measures.

According to the provisions of the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City will need to implement epidemic prevention measures after announcing the epidemic such as establishing and consolidating the Steering Committee for epidemic prevention and control at all levels; Carry out epidemic declaration and reporting; Organize first aid, medical examination, treatment, medical isolation and implement personal protection measures.

For people, it is necessary to regularly update information about the epidemic situation to proactively take disease prevention measures and avoid panic and anxiety; At the same time, proactively get children vaccinated fully and on schedule according to the instructions of the health sector and implement disease prevention measures such as limiting large gatherings, regularly washing hands with soap and using masks. when going to public places or crowded areas.

Thùy Linh

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One case of measles can infect 12-18 people


HCMC - Currently, the measles epidemic in Ho Chi Minh City is increasing rapidly. Tertiary hospitals receive many seriously ill hospitalized pediatric patients.

Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee officially announced a measles epidemic


On August 27, Vice Chairwoman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Tran Thi Dieu Thuy signed a decision to officially declare a measles epidemic throughout the city.

Doctors clearly indicate when children should be vaccinated against measles


Can Tho - Measles is becoming more complicated, doctors recommend that parents should proactively vaccinate their children to prevent the disease and limit the risk of dangerous complications.