Secrets of drinking coffee to help control blood sugar effectively

Linh Đan - Hà Lê (Theo Healthline) |

Coffee has many health benefits, including for diabetics, and does not increase blood sugar if you choose the right type and use it in moderation.

Linh Đan - Hà Lê (Theo Healthline)

Rustic dish, helps reduce blood sugar


Yam (tapioca) and hairy yam have a medium glycemic index, suitable for people who need to control blood sugar.

Eat this for breakfast without worrying about increasing blood sugar


Breakfast with strawberry, yogurt and grapefruit smoothie, healthy vegetable omelet for diabetics, does not increase blood sugar.

Cooling drinks help reduce blood sugar


Plantain leaf water is not only a cooling drink but also helps reduce blood sugar.

Crowded with people going to work on Metro Line 1 on the first day of the week


HCMC - One day after Metro Line 1 officially operated, this morning (December 23), many people used this means of transport to go to work.

Assad's wife files for divorce


The wife of deposed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has filed for divorce due to dissatisfaction with life in Russia, according to Turkish and Arab press sources.

Ministry of Health warns as measles outbreak increases, vaccination rates low


Many measles cases have required hospitalization due to serious complications, most of whom have not been vaccinated. Notably, many of these parents are “anti-vaccine” (opposed to vaccination). The Ministry of Health warns that the measles epidemic could become more complicated due to the epidemic cycle and low vaccination rates.

Russian gas giant breaks export record to China


Russian gas supplied by Gazprom to China exceeds the gas supplied to Europe via gas pipelines.

Rustic dish, helps reduce blood sugar

Linh Đan - Hà Lê (Theo Cục An toàn thực phẩm, Bộ Y tế) |

Yam (tapioca) and hairy yam have a medium glycemic index, suitable for people who need to control blood sugar.

Eat this for breakfast without worrying about increasing blood sugar

Linh Đan - Hà Lê (Theo Very Well Health) |

Breakfast with strawberry, yogurt and grapefruit smoothie, healthy vegetable omelet for diabetics, does not increase blood sugar.

Cooling drinks help reduce blood sugar

Hồng Nhung |

Plantain leaf water is not only a cooling drink but also helps reduce blood sugar.