Cases of reissuing issued Certificates:
a) Land users who need to change the Certificate issued before August 1, 2024 to a Certificate of land use rights and ownership of assets attached to land;
b) The issued certificate is stained, blurred, torn or damaged;
c) A certificate has been issued for many land plots and a separate certificate is issued for each land plot according to the needs of the land user and in the case of reissuance of the certificate of land use rights and ownership of assets attached to land as prescribed in Clause 7, Article 46 of this Decree;
d) The purpose of land use stated on the issued Certificate according to the provisions of the law on land at the time of issuance of the issued Certificate is different from the purpose of land use according to the land classification prescribed in Article 9 of the Land Law and the provisions of the Government's Decree detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Land Law;
d) The location of the land plot on the issued Certificate is incorrect compared to the actual location of land use at the time of issuance of the issued Certificate;
e) The land use right and ownership of property attached to the land are the common property of the husband and wife, but the issued Certificate only records the full name of the wife or the husband. Now there is a request to reissue the Certificate of land use right and ownership of property attached to the land to record both the full name of the wife and the full name of the husband;
g) The issued Certificate records the name of the household, and now the members who share the land use rights of that household request to issue a new Certificate of land use rights and ownership of assets attached to the land to record the full names of the members who share the land use rights of the household;
h) Change the address of the land plot for which a Certificate has been granted;
i) Changing the dimensions of edges, area, and land plot numbers due to cadastral mapping and cadastral measurement of land plots without changing the land plot boundaries.