Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 91 of the 2024 Land Law, the principles of compensation for property damage when the State recovers land are stipulated as follows: Property owners who suffer property damage as prescribed by civil law shall be compensated for the damage; owners of production and business establishments that must stop production and business due to land recovery by the State shall be considered for support.
According to the above regulations, when the State reclaims land, the homeowner will be compensated if the following two conditions are met:
- Is the legal owner of the house.
- Housing damaged by land acquisition.
Thus, housing without a Certificate is still compensated if the housing is legal property.
For example:
- Individual houses in urban areas are legal assets when the following conditions are met:
+ Construction must have a permit.
+ Construction before land acquisition notice.
+ Construction on urban land (correct land use purpose).
- Rural housing not located in conservation areas or historical-cultural relic sites is legal property when built on residential land plots and built before the notice of revocation.