Scarcity of houses in alleys priced at 3-4 billion VND in Hanoi

Linh Trang |

Hanoi - Houses in alleys priced at 3-4 billion VND in the inner city are gradually disappearing as the average land price is over 100 million VND/m2.

Hanoi real estate transactions are bustling despite the Ghost Month

Speaking with Lao Dong, Mr. Tran Duc Khang - Sales Director of Region 2 at OneHousing commented on the recent residential land market in Hanoi.

Accordingly, there are signs that the residential real estate market is quite active, that is, the number of transactions in the Ngau month (7th lunar month) reached 3,300 transactions, only slightly down compared to previous months. This is contrary to the general situation of the "falling point" of the market, usually in the Ngau month every year.

One of the reasons is that people's consumption concept has also changed. Previously, "during the Ghost Month, there was no buying or selling, no big things to do", but now there is a view that the Ghost Month is the Vu Lan month to show filial piety, many people want to own a house, a large asset.

In addition, this year's Ngau month coincides with the time when real estate laws come into effect, new regulations on transfers, land price frameworks according to market prices, regulations restricting land division, land title separation... somewhat affect customers' psychology about the possibility of land prices increasing in the near future, so customers make decisions faster.

In addition, land auctions in the suburbs also took place in the seventh lunar month, leading to a lot of information about price increases, which also had a significant impact on buyers' psychology.

Residential houses continue to increase in price steadily and stably

Mr. Tran Duc Khang - Sales Director of Region 2 at OneHousing said that in recent months, it has been very difficult to find a house worth about 3-4 billion VND in the inner city of Hanoi. For a house in a moderate alley, motorbikes can pass each other, with enough functions, an area of ​​30m2, 2-3 bedrooms, if calculating the land price alone, it is about more than 100 million VND/m2, plus construction costs, the transaction price will be over 4 billion VND.

Therefore, houses around 3-4 billion, if any, either have feng shui errors (narrow back, dead road), the house is on old land, the owner only wants to sell the land, or the alley is very deep, the alley leading to the house is small...

In the suburbs, houses in alleys are being traded at around 70-80 million VND/m2, even corner lots and nice lots are priced at over 100 million VND/m2.

In terms of area, the East and West are the focus of the Hanoi real estate market. Not only is the apartment segment bustling, residential land transactions in the East and West account for 66% of the Hanoi market in the first 6 months of 2024 - according to data from the OneHousing Center for Market Research and Customer Insights.

In which, the western area (Cau Giay, Nam Tu Liem, Bac Tu Liem, Ha Dong) leads the market with about 1,200 transactions (accounting for 36% of market share).

Next is the eastern area (Gia Lam, Long Bien) with about 1,100 transactions (33% market share). The reason why the western area is bustling with residential land transactions is because it attracts a workforce and jobs almost equivalent to those in inner-city districts, making many people choose to buy houses here for convenience in commuting to work. Meanwhile, the eastern area is increasingly chosen thanks to its developed infrastructure and better living conditions.

According to forecasts from the OneHousing Center for Market Research and Customer Insights, in the last 6 months of 2024, the residential market is expected to record about 23,000 transactions, still mainly concentrated in the East and West regions.

Recently, there has been a lot of conflicting information on the increase in real estate prices. However, we still have to accept the fact that supply is lower than demand, so the transaction price also partly reflects the market situation. Customers with money are still looking for opportunities to invest in real estate because they are afraid that the market will set a new peak.

"According to the general situation of the residential housing market, prices have also increased somewhat, but there is no sign of a sharp increase in a few months, but rather a more steady and stable increase. With residential housing, stopping purchases does not affect the homeowner's ability to reduce prices. The homeowner only reduces prices when they are in dire need of money to invest in something else," said Mr. Tran Duc Khang.

Linh Trang

Hối hận khi vội xuống tiền chốt mua nhà trong ngõ 3 tỉ đồng

Thu Giang |

Nhiều chủ nhà trong ngõ tại Hà Nội đang đăng tin rao bán nhà vì chất lượng công trình không đảm bảo, ngõ ra vào quá chật hẹp.

Bán nhà trong ngõ sau 2 ngày mua, chủ nhà lãi hơn 300 triệu

Thạch Lam |

Chỉ sau 2 ngày xuống tiền mua căn nhà trong ngõ, nhà đầu tư đã lãi đậm hàng trăm triệu đồng.

Nhà trong ngõ hẹp dưới 5 tỉ đồng ở Hà Nội được săn lùng

Thu Giang |

Phân khúc nhà trong ngõ ở Hà Nội có giá bán dưới 5 tỉ đồng/căn vẫn hút người mua, giao dịch khởi sắc.

Vỡ òa bữa cơm nhà nấu sau nhiều ngày chạy lụt hồ Thác Bà

Trần Bùi - Vũ Bảo |

Yên Bái - Trở về nhà sau khi cơn mưa ngớt dần, người dân sống khu vực lòng hồ Thác Bà tất bật "tay xách nách mang" chuẩn bị cho mâm cơm đầu tiên sau bão số 3.

Công đoàn hỗ trợ hàng trăm lao động thắng kiện

Tường Minh |

Được 62 lao động ủy quyền, LĐLĐ thành phố Đà Nẵng khởi kiện và thắng kiện Công ty CP Dệt Hòa Khánh. Vụ việc đã mang đến sự tự tin hơn cho tổ chức Công đoàn trong nỗ lực đồng hành, bảo vệ người lao động.

Lúa ngã rạp do mưa bão, nông dân lãi vẫn to


Dù bị ảnh hưởng bởi mưa bão, thế nhưng sau khi thu hoạch vụ lúa Hè thu 2024 nông dân Hậu Giang vẫn có lãi to nhờ giá lúa cao.

Trái phiếu bất động sản vẫn chiếm tỉ lệ chậm trả nợ cao

Bảo Chương |

Trong vòng 12 tháng tới, ước tính có khoảng hơn 245.000 tỉ đồng trái phiếu đáo hạn có nguy cơ chậm trả nợ gốc, phần lớn là của ngành bất động sản.

Vờ mua vàng rồi mang vàng bỏ chạy, tên cướp bị bắt sau 3 giờ


Bình Thuận – Tên cướp đến tiệm vàng giả vờ mua vàng rồi mang theo vàng bỏ chạy. Công an đã bắt giữ đối tượng sau 3 giờ truy xét.