Where will people whose land is recovered be resettled from August 1?

Linh Trang |

The article below will provide detailed information on resettlement arrangements in case of land acquisition from August 1, 2024.

According to Article 110 of the 2024 Land Law, the establishment and implementation of resettlement projects and resettlement areas are regulated as follows:

- Provincial People's Committees and District People's Committees are responsible for organizing and implementing resettlement projects according to the provisions of law.

- Resettlement area ensures the following conditions:

+ Technical infrastructure of resettlement areas must at least meet new rural standards for rural areas and urban standards for urban areas, including: roads ensuring connection with neighboring areas, lighting and household electricity, water supply and drainage systems, communications, and environmental treatment.

+ Social infrastructure of resettlement areas must ensure access to health care, education, culture, sports, markets, trade, services, entertainment, recreation, and cemeteries.

+ Suitable for conditions, customs and practices of each region.

- Resettlement locations are selected in the following order of priority:

+ At the commune-level administrative unit where the land is recovered.

+ At the district-level administrative unit where the land is recovered in the case where there is no land for resettlement at the commune-level administrative unit where the land is recovered.

+ In other areas with equivalent conditions in case the district-level administrative unit where the land is recovered has no land for resettlement.

+ Priority is given to selecting land with favorable locations to form resettlement areas.

Note: In the resettlement area, after the resettlement land has been allocated, if there is still land fund, priority will be given to individuals who are eligible to be allocated residential land without auctioning land use rights according to the provisions of the 2024 Land Law; in case there is still land fund, the land will be allocated to individuals who are eligible to be allocated residential land through auctioning land use rights according to the provisions of the 2024 Land Law.

Thus, according to the above regulations, people whose land is recovered will be resettled at the following locations:

- At the commune-level administrative unit where the land is recovered.

- At the district-level administrative unit where the land is recovered in cases where there is no land for resettlement at the commune-level administrative unit where the land is recovered.

- In other areas with equivalent conditions in case the district-level administrative unit where the land is recovered has no land for resettlement.

In particular, priority is given to choosing land with favorable locations to form resettlement areas.

Linh Trang

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