Houses in alleys in Can Tho are constantly having their prices increase


Many apartments and houses in alleys around the central area of ​​Can Tho City are constantly having their prices increase, currently at 35-50 million VND/m2.

Not having enough financial resources, Ms. Bui Bich Loan (Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city) chose to buy apartments in deep alleys for affordable prices. However, this office worker was not surprised when house prices increased continuously.

"Thanks to the broker's search support, I was quite surprised that apartment prices are currently at 35-48 million VND/m2, while at the end of 2023 it will only range from 25-30 million VND/m2" - Ms. Loan said. nice.

As a person looking for housing, the reporter brokered an apartment with an area of ​​42m2, priced at 2.3 billion VND, located deep in an alley on 30/4 street (Ninh Kieu district). According to the broker, this apartment is offered as a rare item, not "sticky" with planning.

According to the reporter's research, recently on social network groups, there has been a lot of information about houses for sale, with the owner committing to a red book, the price exceeding the threshold of 50 million VND/m2.

Photo: Kieu Phung
Houses in alleys in Can Tho are for sale at continuously increasing prices. Photo: Kieu Phung

For example, a house in an alley on Hoang Quoc Viet Street (Ninh Kieu District) was advertised for sale on social networks for 4.3 billion VND, with an area of ​​60m2. Or another house in an alley on Cach Mang Thang Tam street (Binh Thuy district) is for sale at a price of 1.6 billion VND, 30m2.

According to the Can Tho City Real Estate Association, in the last 6 months of the year, demand will still focus on the apartment segment with real housing needs, with appropriate prices.

The luxury apartment segment has become a new settlement and investment trend, is well received, remains stable and can increase by 5 - 7%; Land plots will also start to increase by 8 - 10% compared to the first 6 months of the year.

According to the Vietnam Association of Real Estate Brokers (VARS), the real estate market in the second quarter of 2024 continues to record signs of improvement. Primary housing supply reached about 27,335 products, with about 19,747 new products offered for sale.

VARS believes that in a difficult economic context and people's incomes are not stable, they should be careful when the real estate market's unfounded price increases can be a sign of a virtual fever or bubble.


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2 công ty gạch ở Đồng Nai nợ lương khoảng 200 công nhân


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