Relax conditions for buying social housing but need to have reasonable prices, avoid speculation

Bảo Hân |

Many workers expressed their agreement with the income conditions to enjoy social housing support policies , but suggested that house prices need to be at a reasonable level and the authorities also need to take measures to prevent Prevent the phenomenon of law circumvention and speculation .

Social housing prices need to be appropriate

When asked about new regulations related to social housing, Mr. Nguyen Van Thang ( a worker renting a room in Kim Chung commune, Dong Anh district, Hanoi) said that it stipulates income conditions to enjoy support policies. The above support is appropriate.

Mr. Thang and his wife have rented a room in a worker's housing area in Kim Chung commune for many years. Although he has been planning to buy an apartment for a long time, due to financial difficulties and not being able to find the house he wants (he wants to buy a 3-bedroom apartment to suit his long-term needs), he has not yet decided to buy an apartment. make this dream come true.
“My husband and I have an income of about 30 million VND/month, of which mine is 18-19 million VND; His wife's is 11 million VND. The above income conditions are appropriate, helping to support many people who can afford to buy a house" - Mr. Thang said.

However, Mr. Thang said that the price of social housing must be appropriate. “If social housing costs over 20 million VND/m2, workers like us cannot reach it. Along with that, workers need to be supported with bank loan interest rates. In addition, support policies need to be strict and targeted to the right subjects, avoiding the situation of people not qualified to benefit and speculate in social housing" - Mr. Thang shared.

More than 2 years ago, Mr. Nguyen Van Tam and his wife (workers of Thang Long Industrial Park, Dong Anh district, Hanoi, bought a social house in Kim Chung commune, Dong Anh district. To have money to buy, they had to borrow from the bank. 250 million VND. Each month, the young couple has to pay both principal and interest from 3.5 to 3.6 million VND. Currently, this debt is still over 100 million VND.

Mr. Tam said his income is 14 million VND/month; The total income of the couple is 25 million VND/month. With this level of income, he and his wife have to calculate and save enough because they have to cover living expenses, raise children, and pay for a house.

When he learned about the income conditions for support, Mr. Tam agreed, thinking that it would help people like him who have not yet realized their dream of owning a house to have a home less strenuous and difficult.

Avoid breaking the law and speculating

Talking to reporters, Mr. Nguyen Van Tan - Chairman of the Grassroots Trade Union of Hosiden Co., Ltd. (Bac Giang) said that in order for workers to have access to social housing, prices must be reduced further, to a more suitable level. “Based on the average income of 8 million VND/month, after deducting expenses, raising children, etc., a couple working as workers can only save about 24 million VND. If the house price is 20 million VND/m2, then they can only buy more than 1 m2 a year" - Mr. Tan said.

Mr. Tan said that currently, social housing has very few buyers because the price is still high and many people are not qualified to buy. "Because many current workers in Bac Giang do not achieve an income of 8 million VND/month, this is only the average income" - Mr. Tan said.

In addition, according to Mr. Tan, it is necessary to expand the number of support groups for employees with income higher than 15 million VND/month to expand the number of people who can buy a house. These are subjects with real needs.

Mr. Tan said that with the couple's total income of less than 30 million VND, they had to save for 10-20 years to be able to buy a normal apartment. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for them to be able to buy social housing.

Besides, according to the president of the grassroots union, there are currently many cases of breaking the law to buy social housing. This partly comes from the narrow scope of buyers allowed and high house prices. Therefore, expanding the number of people with a good average income to receive policy support will mean that many people with real needs will be able to buy social housing.

Bảo Hân

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PGS.TS Phạm Ngọc Trung đã có những chia sẻ xung quanh câu chuyện về tình người và vấn đề làm từ thiện sau cơn bão số 3.

Chưa đóng cửa mỏ vàng cũ, đã giao đất để làm mỏ vàng mới


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