Workers don't have money for food because the company's salary is 4 months late


Binh Duong - Reporting to Lao Dong Newspaper, many workers said they had no money for food or rented accommodation because the company delayed their salaries for 4 months.

The company delayed salaries for 4 months and owed social insurance

The 4-month salary delay happened at Hoang Sinh Import-Export Joint Stock Company (in Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong province). Hundreds of workers have stopped working for 3 days now. Thus, this is the second time a collective work stoppage has occurred at this company.

Previously, on the morning of July 8, 90/1,050 employees (preliminary processing, carpentry, and finishing departments) of this company also stopped working and asked the company to pay the full salary for April 2024, instead of just giving 2 million VND in advance. /People.

The interdisciplinary delegation came to support mediation and resolve disputes. The company's leaders informed about the situation because the partner was slow to pay for the goods. At the same time, company leaders committed to workers to pay salaries for April 2024 and May 2024 to all workers in 2 installments and no later than July 29, 2024.

As for the debt owed to social insurance, the company would like to make an appointment to pay the provincial social insurance no later than July 29, 2024 (a total of 2 months about 14 billion VND).

Workers' wages were delayed for 4 months. Photo: Dinh Trong
Workers' wages were delayed for 4 months. Photo: Dinh Trong

However, as of July 30, this company still has not paid salaries to workers. Workers also said they have not received 2 million VND in advance this month.

According to records, on the afternoon of July 31, dozens of workers were still present at the company to meet with the business owner to negotiate and request salary payment. However, workers cannot meet business owners or representatives.

According to workers, the company has been late for 4 consecutive months of salary. "The company has only paid me 1 month's salary, but it is still 4 months late" - Mr. Nguyen Van Hai (born in 1975, from An Giang) said.

Workers are in awe of the company. Photo: Dinh Trong
Workers are in awe of the company. Photo: Dinh Trong

Similarly, Mr. Vo Hoang Ut Oanh (50 years old, from Kien Giang) said: "The company promised to pay the workers on July 29, but in the end this afternoon, they still have not paid any money for the past 4 months. I I was very anxious and impatient. I couldn't bear to stay at the boarding house, so I went to the company to see if the business owner would solve the problem for the workers."

Workers had no money for food and were kicked out of their boarding houses

The company's salary delay lasted for 4 months, causing difficulties for hundreds of workers. Mr. Vo Hoang Ut Oanh sadly shared: "I was very poor and had to leave my hometown to go to Binh Duong to make a living. Being owed salary by the company, I encountered many difficulties, now I have to ask for a loan for rent. Due to the prolonged debt. The landlord refused and kicked me out of the room. I had to borrow 1 million VND, paying interest of 100,000 VND/month and still haven't been able to pay it off. I have no money left to buy rice to eat."

Similarly, Mr. Nguyen Van Hai also has no money left to pay for accommodation or food. "The company hasn't paid us salaries, we have been in debt to the landlord for many months, now the landlord has kicked us out of the hostel" - Mr. Hai said angrily.

Workers come to the company and wait for their salaries. Photo: Dinh Trong
Workers come to the company and wait for their salaries. Photo: Dinh Trong

Meanwhile, to hold on in Binh Duong, workers have to rely on relatives. "My husband works a few days a week as a lake worker, and we both rely on that for a living. But I have been owed salary by the company for 4 months. I also have to owe money for accommodation, and my husband takes care of food. I hope. The company pays us so we can survive in Binh Duong" - Ms. Huynh Thi Ngoc Lien (born 1975, from Vinh Long) expressed.

Ms. Lien's refrigerator was completely empty of food, and she had no money to buy it. Photo: Dinh Trong
Ms. Lien's refrigerator was completely empty of food, and she had no money to buy it. Photo: Dinh Trong
Workers whose wages are delayed stand sadly in front of the motel room door. Photo: Dinh Trong
Workers whose wages are delayed are frustrated in front of the motel room door. Photo: Dinh Trong

The company promised to pay salary

According to reporters, as of 3:00 p.m. on July 31, the company had not yet paid salaries. Authorities and the Binh Duong Provincial Labor Confederation are present at the company to assist in resolving and protecting the rights of workers.

On July 30, Hoang Sinh Import-Export Joint Stock Company apologized to all workers for the delay in wages. This company commits to paying April 2024 salary no later than 4:30 p.m. July 31. May salary will be paid no later than 4:30 p.m. on August 2. June and July salaries will be paid to employees on August 31.


Công ty ở Bình Dương chậm lương và nợ BHXH hàng tỉ đồng: Hứa sẽ sớm chi trả


Tại Bình Dương, 90 công nhân lao động làm việc ở công ty sản xuất đồ gỗ đã ngừng việc yêu cầu doanh nghiệp thanh toán tiền chậm lương và nợ BHXH từ tháng 4.2024.

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Thời gian qua, nhiều trường hợp người lao động, công nhân dù là chủ nợ nhưng lại ở thế yếu và thậm chí có thể mất trắng chế độ hưu trí, bảo hiểm y tế khi về già... Bởi, doanh nghiệp nợ lương, nợ bảo hiểm xã hội (BHXH) trây ỳ, triền miên chậm đóng và chậm trả những quyền lợi mà người lao động xứng đáng được hưởng sau cống hiến.

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