Regulations on compensation and support when the State recovers land

Thạch Lam |

From a legal perspective, compensation and support when the State recovers land are two different concepts but in reality they are confused as one.

How to differentiate between compensation and support when the State recovers land?

Land compensation and support are both State policies to partially compensate for losses for people whose land is recovered. Compensation and support when the State recovers land will be carried out in accordance with the law.

However, compensation and support when the State recovers land have different characteristics. Below are some criteria to differentiate compensation and support when the State recovers land:

How to calculate land compensation when the State recovers

According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 91 of the Land Law 2024, the specific land price is decided by the People's Committee at the competent level.

In particular, the determination of specific land prices must be based on investigation and collection of information about land plots, land prices, and land price information in the land database; Apply appropriate land valuation methods.

Accordingly, the formula for calculating compensation for land when the State recovers is specified in Article 7 of Decree 71/2024/ND-CP as follows:

Value of land plot to be valued (1m2) = Land price in the land price list x Land price adjustment coefficient.

Thạch Lam

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