New regulations on limits on agricultural land allocation to an individual

Khương Duy |

The Land Law 2024, effective from August 1, 2024, clearly stipulates agricultural land allocation limits for individuals.

According to Clause 1, Article 118 of the Land Law 2024, the limit for allocation of annual crop land, aquaculture land, and salt production land to individuals is prescribed as follows:

- No more than 3 hectares for each type of land for provinces and centrally run cities in the Southeast region and the Mekong Delta region.

- No more than 2 hectares for each type of land for other provinces and centrally run cities.

Agricultural land includes several types such as land for growing annual crops (including land for growing rice and land for growing other annual crops); land for growing perennial crops; Production forest land, salt production land... Illustration photo: Phan Anh
Agricultural land includes several types such as land for growing annual crops (including land for growing rice and land for growing other annual crops); land for growing perennial crops; Production forest land, salt production land... Illustration photo: Phan Anh

According to Article 176 of the Land Law 2024, the limit of land allocation for perennial crops to individuals is no more than 10 hectares for communes, wards, and towns in the delta; no more than 30 hectares for communes, wards and towns in midland and mountainous areas.

The limit for land allocation to individuals is no more than 30 hectares for each type of land, including protective forest land; Production forest land is planted forest.

Individuals who are allocated many types of land including annual crop land, aquaculture land , and salt production land, the total land allocation limit must not exceed 5 hectares; In case additional land is allocated for perennial crops, the land limit for perennial crops shall not exceed 5 hectares for communes, wards and towns in the delta, and shall not exceed 25 hectares for communes, wards and towns in the central region. travel, mountainous areas; In case additional production forest land is allocated as planted forest, the production forest land allocation limit shall not exceed 25 hectares.

The limit on allocation of unused land to individuals for use according to planning for agricultural production, forestry, aquaculture, and salt production must not exceed the land allocation limit specified in Clauses 1, 2, and 3 of Article This is not included in the limit for agricultural land allocation to individuals specified in Clauses 1, 2 and 3 of this Article.

The Provincial People's Committee regulates the limit on allocation of unused land to individuals for use according to land use planning and plans approved by competent authorities.

For the area of ​​agricultural land that an individual is using outside the commune, ward or town where he/she registers permanent residence, the individual may continue to use it. If the land is allocated without collecting land use fees, it will be included in the limit. level of agricultural land allocation for individuals.

The agency with land management function that has allocated agricultural land without collecting land use fees to an individual shall send a notice to the Commune People's Committee where that individual has registered permanent residence to calculate the agricultural land allocation limit. .

Individual's agricultural land area transferred, rented, subleased, inherited, donated land use rights, received land use rights contributed as capital from others, contracted, or leased by the State Land is not included in the agricultural land allocation limit specified in this Article.

Khương Duy

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