Prioritize ensuring people's rights when developing a new land price list

Gia Miêu |

The construction and application of land price lists need to be carefully considered to balance the interests of all parties, especially priority should be given to ensuring the rights of the people.

People with agricultural land are worried about sharply increasing financial obligations

Prices in Ho Chi Minh City's expected adjusted land price list increased dozens of times compared to the old price list, such as in Thu Duc City increased by 10-15 times; Nha Be, Binh Chanh, Can Gio, and Cu Chi districts increased 10-20 times. Hoc Mon district alone has many routes where land prices are expected to increase 15-30 times. Meanwhile, in some suburban districts in Ho Chi Minh City , people still face many difficulties. However, according to the draft land price list adjustment, the price increase is even higher in the inner city, in some places it increased more than 50 times. This has made it more difficult for suburban areas to change the purpose of land to build houses.

Regarding tax calculation in cases of changing the purpose of agricultural land to residential land and whether there is a policy to support difficult cases, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment said that land price adjustments in the current land price list are in accordance with regulations. stipulated in Clause 1, Article 257 of the Land Law 2024 in accordance with the actual situation of land prices in the city is to comply with the law on the basis of updating compensation land prices, resettlement land prices and land prices. Land transactions from the land registration agency and tax agency in the city. Therefore, updating the adjusted land price list reflects the reality of land prices in all districts, regardless of inner city or suburbs.

The adjusted land price list is updated by the District People's Committee and the consulting unit from sources such as compensation land prices, actual land transfer prices collected from land registration agencies and tax agencies, which are consistent with the actual land price situation, regardless of inner-city or suburban areas.

Regarding the opinion that there is a case of land price increase 50 times in suburban districts. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment said that after checking the actual land price listed at the location of Song Hanh Highway 22, the land price in the land price list issued under Decision No. 02/2020/QD-UBND is 780,000 VND. The above land price is not the market land price but must be supplemented with the coefficient issued under Decision No. 56/2023/QD-UBND which will result in 3.5 million VND/m2.

In fact, on December 1, 223, Hoc Mon District People's Committee approved the compensation price according to Decision No. 7829/QD-UBND with a price of more than 39.5 million VND/m2 and was recovered by the people whose land was owned. consensus, therefore, the adjusted land price list updating the above price for the location at Song Hanh Highway 22 is appropriate.

There will be reasonable adjustments to ensure people's rights

In case of changing the purpose of agricultural land to residential land, people must pay land use fee which is the difference between the land price of the following land use purpose (residential land) minus the land price of the previous land use purpose. transfer (agricultural land).

According to the results of the expected adjusted land price list, agricultural land prices have a higher average increase rate (11-14 times) than the price increase rate of residential land (4-5 times), so the gap between the two land use purposes will gradually decrease.

In addition, in cases where there are no conditions to fulfill financial obligations regarding land, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment believes that the Land Law allows land users to debit land use fees when transferring land use rights. , only if you have income you have to pay. For poor households and policy families, there is a regime of exemption or reduction of land use fees when meeting the conditions prescribed in Decree No. 103/2024/ND-CP of the Government regulating the collection of land use fees. land use, land rent.

However, a representative of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Natural Resources and Environment said that according to the content of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW dated June 16, 2022 of the Party Central Committee, it has been oriented to bring land prices in line with the market, therefore, the land price list only reflects actual land transaction prices on the market.

Whether the performance of financial obligations related to land is high or low, the city's departments and branches will coordinate and report to the City People's Committee to propose to the Government to consider and adjust the collection level and collection rate to suit the situation. current socio-economic situation.

Gia Miêu

Bảng giá đất mới đề xuất ở TPHCM vẫn chưa sát với thị trường

Bảo Chương |

Bình luận về bảng giá đất mới của TPHCM, có ý kiến cho rằng vẫn còn sự chênh lệch đáng kể giữa giá đất đề xuất và giá giao dịch thực tế.

Đất trúng đấu giá ở xã vượt xa bảng giá đất quận nội thành


Với số tiền trúng đấu giá đất từ 80 - 133 triệu đồng/m2, giá đất ngoại thành cao hơn nhiều so với bảng giá đất tại một số khu vực nội thành Hà Nội.

Xây dựng bảng giá đất nên nghĩ về quyền lợi của người dân

Bảo Chương |

Nên đặt mình vào hoàn cảnh của người dân để thấy rõ hơn vì sao tại thời điểm hiện nay chưa nên ban hành bảng giá đất mới.

Lô đất trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở Hà Nội bị bỏ cọc


Dù đã hết thời gian nộp tiền nhưng đến nay lô đất có giá trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở huyện Thanh Oai (Hà Nội) vẫn chưa đóng tiền.

Hà Nội tắc đường cả cây số, người dân ì ạch di chuyển

Nhóm PV |

Tối 16.9, nhiều tuyến đường tại Hà Nội tắc cứng do giờ tan tầm và lượng người đổ ra đường đi chơi Trung thu.

Nga dồn ép quân Ukraina khỏi Kursk theo nhiều hướng

Song Minh |

Lực lượng Ukraina ngày càng bị đẩy lùi khỏi nhiều khu định cư ở tỉnh Kursk của Nga.

Cho thôi việc Bí thư huyện Vĩnh Cửu theo nguyện vọng


Ông Nguyễn Văn Thuộc - Bí thư Huyện ủy Vĩnh Cửu được Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy Đồng Nai chấp thuận cho thôi việc theo nguyện vọng.

Doanh nghiệp gồng mình hồi phục sau bão số 3

Anh Tuấn |

Sau khi bão số 3 (Yagi) đi qua, nỗ lực phục hồi sản xuất - kinh doanh là công việc được nhiều doanh nghiệp ưu tiên thực hiện.