V.League 2024-2025 and financial issues of clubs


The financial problems of the teams have been causing concern for the 2024-2025 V.League season.

After the 2023-2024 season ended, many teams considered "giants" also soon spent heavily to recruit a series of stars to prepare for the new season.

Binh Duong, Hanoi Police, Nam Dinh, The Cong Viettel... are the most active teams in the transfer market with "expensive" contracts.

Meanwhile, the team that just won the 2023-2024 National Cup championship, Thanh Hoa club , suddenly encountered financial "problems". Specifically, on the afternoon of August 5, the Thanh football team's players simultaneously posted a written complaint about being owed many salaries, bonuses and contract fees by the team.

In this document, Thanh Hoa club owes the players money from the 2023 season to the end of the 2023-2024 season, a total of more than 16 billion VND.

Thanh Hoa Club just won the National Cup but is also struggling because of salary debt, bonuses and bribes. Photo: VPF
Thanh Hoa Club just won the National Cup but is also struggling because of salary debt, bonuses and bribes. Photo: VPF

Currently, the representative of Thanh Hoa club said they will completely resolve the issue of salaries, bonuses, and bribery fees in August so that the players can continue to practice and prepare for the new season.

The V.League playground is like that, but the National First Division is not much... better when financial difficulties also surround, causing many teams to struggle.

Many teams left open the possibility of participating in the 2024-2025 First Division season such as Dong Nai, Khanh Hoa, and even the new team that won promotion, Orient Phu Nhuan, also got into trouble related to money.

For this reason, the draw ceremony for the First Division and National Cup will have to be postponed to the end of August and the First Division will start 2-3 weeks later.

In fact, the story of players owing salaries, bonuses or bribes is not a new or surprising problem in Vietnamese football.

Almost every season there will be teams facing financial difficulties, leading to bad stories on social networks, the media or even taking each other to court to clarify right and wrong, demanding rights.

Dong Nai or Ba Ria - Vung Tau are two of the teams facing funding difficulties before the 2024-2025 First Division tournament. Photo: VPF
Dong Nai or Ba Ria - Vung Tau are two of the teams facing funding difficulties before the 2024-2025 First Division tournament. Photo: VPF

Many teams in the V.League and the First Division all live on "milk" from sponsors, with managers taking most and part from the local budget.

So when the sponsor's businesses encounter difficulties, it leads to many consequences, the most immediate being salary and bonus debts. It is impossible to make money based on football, so financial difficulties are inevitable in such a context.

What needs to be done at this time is that VPF, VFF and the clubs will sit together to have a thorough solution, find solutions to minimize costs for the teams in a season. With such cooperation, we hope that the teams will also be able to somewhat save costs during a season.


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Công ty trây ỳ trả lại đất ở mỏ vàng A Pey A được tỉnh Quảng Trị cho thuê đất để thực hiện dự án mỏ vàng A Vao.

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