Create more inspiration for workers to receive knowledge

Linh Nguyên |

Propaganda and dissemination of legal knowledge are being carried out by Trade Unions at all levels with innovation in form.

The propaganda content focuses on the basic new points of the Labor Code, Trade Union Law, Social Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, etc. Thereby, union members and employees can grasp their rights and responsibilities in labor relations. This is a useful activity because after these propaganda sessions, union members and employees not only have more legal knowledge but also improve their sense of discipline in work. From there, an industrial style is formed in daily work.

One of the innovations in legal dissemination sessions is that trade unions at all levels take union members and workers as the center, presenting common situations during working hours and in life for discussion, analysis, and Q&A. This approach helps union members and workers receive information and knowledge quickly and remember it for a long time, and can be applied in similar situations.

In some places, the Union also creates more inspiration for union members and workers to receive legal knowledge by preparing gifts for those who have the most correct answers; those who speak most enthusiastically... For example, at the legal propaganda session for workers in Cam Khe Industrial Park (Phu Tho). After the knowledge transfer, the Union of Phu Tho Industrial Parks asked questions about labor law for workers to answer. Those who answered correctly received gifts.

Or recently, the Hanoi Textile and Garment Trade Union organized a dissemination of legal knowledge and industrial cultural lifestyle for 200 union members and workers at Cam Thuong Industrial Park (Ba Vi District). The union prepared 20 gifts for the most active students and those with the most correct answers. The workers who received the shared gifts were very happy because they had both gained knowledge and received gifts. When they returned to their daily work, they would contribute to sharing the knowledge that had just been imparted to other union members and workers when necessary.

The easy-to-understand, easy-to-listen and interactive way of communication is the method that the Trade Unions at all levels are applying in the propaganda and dissemination of the law to union members and employees at enterprises. Because this method helps employees ask questions directly about the related regimes and policies and receive specific answers from the lecturers. Thereby, employees can grasp immediately to be able to protect themselves during the working process.

Besides, preparing small gifts for union members and workers will be highly encouraging, creating conditions for union members and workers to easily remember difficult-to-remember legal knowledge.

Linh Nguyên

Nâng cao kiến thức cho công nhân Dệt may

Kiều Vũ |

Ngày 28.8, Công đoàn ngành Dệt may Hà Nội cho biết 200 đoàn viên đã được nâng cao nếp sống văn hóa công nghiệp.

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Hương Giang |

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Mỹ An |

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Nguyễn Tùng |

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Phương Anh |

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Nhóm PV |

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Minh Nguyễn |

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