Striving to increase an additional 182,258 union members by 2028

Hà Anh |

The Industry Trade Union strives to develop an additional 3,500 union members in 2024.

Proactively follow up with the leadership of the enterprise, workers

Mr. Phan Văn Bản - Member of the Standing Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Trade - said, the industry union strives to develop an additional 3,500 union members in 2024, reaching 182,258 union members by 2028, contributing to the country's 15 million union members.

The Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Trade said that, implementing the Resolution of the 13th Congress of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, the Resolution of the 4th Congress of the Vietnam General Confederation of Trade, and the Plan for Developing Union Members of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, the Vietnam General Confederation of Trade has developed and issued a Plan for Developing Union Members, Establishing Trade Union Branches in 2024, and a Draft Plan for Developing Union Members, Establishing Trade Union Branches in 2024-2028.

The Vietnam General Confederation of Trade has also established a Steering Committee and established 4 Task Forces for Developing Union Members, Establishing Trade Union Branches in 2023-2028, and a Decision assigning the target for developing union members to the immediate superior trade union and the trade union branch directly under it.

At the same time, the industry union has strengthened the work of directing and guiding the immediate superior trade union and the trade union branch directly under it to follow the assigned target to organize and achieve results; has proactively followed up with the local area to approach and work with some enterprises (DN), trade union branches currently operating in localities to implement the transfer of trade union branches to the Vietnam General Confederation of Trade for management and direction in accordance with the regulations of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour; and has also disseminated and mobilized workers and employers at some trade union branches, enterprises that have the desire to transfer to the local trade union or industrial park to continue participating in the activities of the trade union branch directly under it or the Vietnam General Confederation of Trade.

The Vietnam General Confederation of Trade and the trade unions at all levels in the industry have actively and regularly followed up, monitored, and grasped the developments of enterprises, as well as the living conditions, thoughts, and work of workers; have particularly focused on following up with the activities of enterprises with small-scale production, unemployment, few workers, union members; newly established enterprises without a trade union, and enterprises with a trade union that are expanding their workshops, production scale, and hiring new workers to approach, meet with the enterprise leaders to create conditions for establishing a trade union, mobilizing workers to join the trade union…

Thanks to the implementation of many effective and decisive measures, as of now, the trade unions at all levels of the Vietnam General Confederation of Trade have developed 2,125/3,500 union members, achieving a rate of 60.7% of the assigned target…

“Keeping” union members

According to the leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Trade, from now until the end of 2024, the trade unions at all levels will continue to mobilize and promote the role of the network of collaborators, groups of cadres, union members, and workers as the core to regularly follow up with the local area, conduct surveys to grasp the situation of workers and the activities of enterprises operating in the area to implement propaganda and mobilization to encourage workers to join the trade union; develop programs and plans for training and capacity-building for new trade union cadres on trade union work, providing skills for propaganda and mobilization to develop union members and establish trade union branches.

Union members, workers at a trade union branch in the Vietnam General Confederation of Trade. Photo: Hà Anh
Union members, workers at a trade union branch in the Vietnam General Confederation of Trade. Photo: Hà Anh

Continuously innovating the content and methods of operation, proactively approaching and propagandizing the development of union members and establishing trade union branches; consolidating and improving the quality of trade union branch activities; focusing on dialogue and negotiation at the workplace, protecting the rights and interests of union members and workers; proactively advising and proposing to the authorities and specialized agencies to support the development of union members and establishing trade union branches.

Guiding and assisting workers to sign labor contracts, improving the quality and negotiation of labor contracts; actively propagandizing and mobilizing enterprises to regularly hire workers, establishing trade unions, and enterprises that have trade unions but have many workers who are not union members, to use all means to persuade and encourage these workers to join the trade union.

Consolidating and improving the quality of trade union branch activities, focusing on innovating the content and methods of operation of trade union branches; identifying the task of representing, caring for, and protecting union members and workers as the core task to implement in order to attract, gather, and “keep” union members.

As of now, the Vietnam General Confederation of Trade is managing and directing 15 trade unions at the immediate superior level and 505 trade union branches directly under it, with 140,670 union members/146,656 workers (achieving a rate of 95.9% of union members to total workers), including 42,820 female workers…

Hà Anh

Cần nhiều cách làm thiết thực nhằm phát triển đoàn viên

Xuân Hùng |

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Công đoàn Dệt may Việt Nam thực hiện phát triển đoàn viên

Kiều Vũ |

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Lương Hà |

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Lý do không khởi tố vụ giám đốc bị tố xâm hại nam thiếu niên


Liên quan đến vụ một giám đốc ở Bình Phước bị tố xâm hại nam thiếu niên, Cơ quan Cảnh sát điều tra không khởi tố vụ án hình sự.

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Tâm Tú |

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Kiên quyết giải phóng mặt bằng thực hiện cao tốc Bắc - Nam


UBND huyện Lệ Thủy (tỉnh Quảng Bình) sẽ tiến hành cưỡng chế nếu các hộ dân không thực hiện đúng quy định, phương án giải phóng mặt bằng.

Thủy điện Tuyên Quang đóng toàn bộ 8 cửa xả đáy

Việt Bắc |

Đến sáng 17.9, Thủy điện Tuyên Quang đã đóng cửa xả đáy cuối cùng sau khi phải mở toàn bộ 8 cửa xả trước mưa lũ lịch sử.

Đại diện quán cơm bị tẩy chay ở Hạ Long xin lỗi khách hàng

Nguyễn Hùng |

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