The Vietnam Fisheries Union has 90 grassroots unions

Kiều Vũ |

Hanoi – On August 15, the Vietnam Fisheries Union evaluated the results of 10 years of operation. Accordingly, up to now the Union has 90 grassroots Fisheries Unions.

Attending were Mr. Huynh Thanh Xuan - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; Phung Duc Tien - Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and representatives of the Labor Confederation of provinces and cities; Outstanding representatives of the Grassroots Fisheries Union were rewarded...

These 90 grassroots Fisheries Unions are located in 18/28 coastal provinces and cities with 18,272 union members and over 5,097 fishing vessels.

In terms of organization, basically the grassroots Fisheries Unions are under the management and direction of comprehensive activities of the Labor Confederation of districts and cities in the province (82/90 Grassroots Fisheries Unions), 8 Grassroots Fisheries Unions are managed and directed by the local Agriculture and Rural Development Trade Union (Quang Binh 3, Khanh Hoa 3, Tien Giang 1, Thanh Hoa 1). The Vietnam Fisheries Union has coordinated with the Agriculture and Rural Development Union and the district-level Labor Confederation in localities to direct professional activities for grassroots Fisheries Unions.

Grassroots Fisheries Union officials are all part-time in a voluntary spirit, structured as ship owners and fishing team leaders, most of whom are reputable offshore fishermen . The union's time for activities is limited due to long days at sea. Organizing activities is also difficult because union members travel by ship, seasonally, and only stay home when the sea is rough.

During the 10 years of operation of the Vietnam Fisheries Union and the preliminary review of 3 years of implementing Decision No. 2728/QD-TLD, the Vietnam Fisheries Union regularly updates information and maintains contact with the Labor Confederation. Provinces, cities, and districts with Fisheries Unions and grassroots Fisheries Unions, from 2022, have created a Zalo group with the presidents of grassroots Fisheries Unions in each province to receive information and ideas. Promptly report to the competent authority. Advise and propose to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to request the Government to have policies to directly support union members and fishermen exploiting seafood at sea.

The Grassroots Fisheries Union has gathered opinions and difficulties of fishermen and ship owners to local authorities to guide and support procedures to enjoy support regimes and policies according to regulations. such as fuel support, hull insurance, crew insurance, support when the ship is in distress at sea... support and answer questions from union members and fishermen, thereby helping fishermen feel secure when going offshore. fishing; At the same time, proactively coordinate with local authorities to monitor the production situation, guide the establishment of procedures to request superiors to consider supporting union members in difficulty; Participate in monitoring profit sharing according to the agreement between ship owners and fishermen...

In order to coordinate and direct the grassroots Fisheries Union to operate in accordance with the content specified in Decision No. 2728/QD-TLD, the Vietnam NDNC advised the pilot Industry Union to sign a Program for coordination in directing activities. The Fisheries Union in the area and a number of Provincial Labor Confederations (Quang Binh, Khanh Hoa) have also sent a draft Coordination Program to the remaining 14 Provincial/City Labor Confederations and are expected to organize a signing ceremony. concluded in the near future. Signed a coordination program with the district-level Labor Confederation (Van Don) and a draft program to coordinate activities between the Vietnam Fisheries Union and the district-level Labor Confederation on coordinating and directing the activities of the Union. Grassroots fisheries, send comments and organize signing...

Reality shows that the establishment of the Vietnam Fisheries Union has created trust and excitement for union members and marine fisheries workers; create influence and enhance the role and position of trade unions among fishermen and the whole society. The Fisheries Union has become the support of union members and fishermen when going to sea, fishing, and exploiting offshore seafood, contributing to protecting the sovereignty and sovereignty of the sea and islands of the Fatherland.

On this occasion, the signing ceremony of the Coordination Program between the Vietnam Fisheries Union and the Department of Fisheries and the Department of Fisheries Surveillance took place; The Vietnam Fisheries Association and the Confederation of Labor and local trade unions have the grassroots Fisheries Union.

The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor awarded Certificates of Merit to two collectives with outstanding achievements in developing union members and building strong grassroots trade union organizations in the period 2014 - 2024. Vietnam Union of Agriculture and Rural Development awarded Certificates of Merit for 13 collectives with outstanding achievements in developing union members and building strong grassroots trade union organizations in the period 2014 - 2024.

Kiều Vũ

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Kiều Vũ |

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