Here are simple, effective deodorization tips using natural ingredients to help the space always be fragrant, cool and comfortable.
1. Use oranges, lemons and salt
Oranges, lemons and salt are easy-to-find ingredients in the kitchen, have the effect of deodorizing and purifying the air.
How to do it: Cut the orange or lemon in half, remove the intestines and seeds. Add a little sea salt inside. Place them in the corners of the room to absorb moisture and deodorize.
This method helps the air to be cleaner, limiting the smell of mold caused by humid weather.
2. Disocial with pineapple (starch)
Pineapple has a slightly sweet natural scent, helping to create a pleasant space, while effectively eliminating odor.
How to do it: Cut off the culverts, dig off the pineapple intestines. Place a candle in the middle of the pineapple and burn it.
The temperature from the fire helps the aroma of pineapple spread, creating a more pleasant and airy feeling on wet days.
The method of deodorification with pineapple is quite interesting and natural, but there are some points you can consider further:
Actual effects: The aroma of pineapple is quite pleasant, but not too strong. If the space is large, you may need to combine cinnamon or essential oil to increase the effectiveness.
Safe when using candles: When placing the candle in the pineapple, make sure it is standing firm and does not cause a risk of fire or explosion, especially when placed in a closed space or near flammable objects.
Scent period: Pineapple will extinguish the scent for a certain period of time. Then, if not preserved well, it can ferment and cause an unpleasant smell.
3. Use natural essential oils
Essential oils are one of the effective ways to deodorize, bringing a pleasant, pure fragrance. Especials such as tea tree, lemongrass, cinnamon, wood, mint or herbs help create a cozy and relaxing space.
How to use: Use essential oil incense lamps (electric or candle) to diffuse the fragrance. Add a few drops of essential oil to the cotton and place in the corners of the room.
Note: After using essential oil lamps, clean them to ensure effectiveness for future use.
4. Use dry tea, tea bags, coffee bags
Tea bags and coffee grounds have the ability to absorb moisture and deodorize very well, making the space more airy.
How to do: cup of tea or coffee beans after brewing, drain. Place in a bowl or cloth bag and leave in corners of the room, wardrobe, refrigerator.
Replace after 2 days to maintain the effectiveness of air filtration and deodogation.
With these simple tips, you can keep the living space fragrant and comfortable on humid days.