This phenomenon of the mist causes many negative impacts on human health, damaging objects, food and electronic devices. Here are specific effects of humid weather and how to prevent them.
1. Health effects
The foggy weather causes the floor to be waterlogged and slippery, increasing the risk of falling, especially for the elderly and children.
High humidity makes pores Push-ups, ineffective sweating excretion, causing discomfort, fatigue and body aches.
Moist air creates conditions for bacteria and mold to thrive, causing respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, asthma, sinusitis, etc. Common symptoms include cough, sneezing, and difficulty breathing.
Moisture is also associated with an increased risk of skin diseases such as chickenpox, rash, dermatitis caused by bacteria and molds that thrive.
2. Damaged furniture and electronic equipment
In humid conditions, industrial wood furniture is prone to swelling, warping and damage. Natural wooden furniture is more waterproof, but if soaked in water for a long time, it can also peel paint, become moldy, and lose aesthetics.
High humidity causes electronic components to oxidate, leading to mach failure, damage, and even explosion. The most vulnerable devices are TVs, computers, air conditioners, refrigerators, etc.
3. wet clothes, foul odor
In bad weather, laundry clothes are very difficult to dry, easily affected by foul odor and mold, reducing fabric quality. Wearing moist clothes can cause skin irritation, itching, or diseases caused by bacteria and fungal growth.
4. Reducing the quality of goods in warehouses
The warehouses need to be stored in stable humidity and temperature conditions. When it is cloudy, high humidity will make food, medicine, cosmetics and materials susceptible to deformation, reducing quality. For paper, leather, or metal products, moisture can cause rot, yellow stains, or rust.
To limit the impact of humid weather, we should use a humidifier or turn on the air conditioner to reduce humidity in the air.
Keep your home airy, limit opening during busy days to avoid moisture from the outside.
Use raw lime and activated charcoal to absorb moisture in corners of the house, wardrobes, and storage facilities. Regularly clean furniture and electronic devices to limit mold and damage.
Dry your clothes in windy, sunny places, or use a clothes dryer to avoid mold. B firm weather is an inevitable weather phenomenon, but if we take appropriate precautions, we can minimize its negative impacts.