To protect health, each family needs to take proper food preservation measures to limit unwanted risks.
The storage of dry food during the dry days needs special attention. Foods such as rice, beans, noodles, candy, and wheat flour are very likely to absorb moisture, reduce quality or even become moldy. The best way is to store it in an airtight container, avoid direct contact with moist air. To increase storage efficiency, you can place an extra dehumidifier or activated charcoal bag inside the food container. Some dried foods such as flour and cereals can be stored in the refrigerator to prolong the shelf life and avoid the risk of mold infection.
Vegetables are also a food that is easily spoiled in humid weather conditions. When storing, it is necessary to ensure that the vegetables have been dried, remove the damaged part before putting it in the refrigerator. A useful tip is to wrap vegetables with newspaper or a paper towel to absorb moisture, keeping them fresh longer. In addition, you should not keep perishable vegetables with more durable vegetables such as carrots and cabbage because it will affect the storage time. Refrigeration vegetables should be kept at a temperature of 1 - 4 degrees Celsius to maintain freshness.
For fresh foods such as meat, fish, seafood, it is necessary to store them in the refrigerator properly to avoid the risk of infection. It is best to divide food into small pieces before storing it for ease of use, avoiding defrosting many times causing loss of nutrients. Food should be stored in containers or sealed bags to avoid bad smell and limit exposure to air. Long-term preserved meat and fish should be kept in a freezer at -18 degrees Celsius, while food used for one to two days can be kept in a cooling compartment at a temperature of 0 - 4 degrees Celsius.
Moist weather makes food more susceptible to deformities, so it is necessary to check carefully before using. Observe colors and flavors to detect unusual signs such as discolored foods, strange flavors or mold appearances. Even if there are no clear signs of damage, foods that have been left too long should not be used to avoid the risk of affecting health.
In addition to preservation, the food processing process also needs to be ensured safety. Keep your hands and kitchen appliances clean, avoid infection from the hands or kitchen surface to food. knives and cutlets should be used separately for raw and cooked foods to limit cross-contamination. Food needs to be fully cooked, especially meat, fish and seafood to kill harmful bacteria. During days of humid vegetation, it is best to limit eating raw foods to reduce the risk of food poisoning.
In addition, the kitchen space and food storage area need to be kept dry and clean. Slight moisture from the environment can cause food to spoil faster, so you should regularly clean the kitchen and refrigerator and use a humidifier or fan to maintain ventilation. Do not place dried food directly on the floor, especially nuts, candy, and cereals because moisture from the floor can reduce the quality of food.
Taking proper preservation measures not only helps keep food fresh but also ensures the health safety of the whole family during humid weather days.