2 Hai Phong workers were supported to build a Trade Union Shelter

Mai Dung |

On the morning of July 18, the Hai Phong City Labor Confederation awarded funds to support the construction of a Trade Union Shelter for two union members in difficult circumstances.

The two union members supported this time are both workers of Sao Vang Company Limited, residing in Thai Son commune, An Lao district, Hai Phong. Both cases are difficult circumstances. Among them, Ms. Nguyen Thi Van (born in 1983) is currently a single mother, raising 3 children with the eldest child being born deaf and mute, the third child is only 16 months old. Ms. Nguyen Thi Hao (born in 1983) raised her school-age child alone, her 4th grade house was dilapidated and had to live with her parents for many years.

At the families, Ms. Bui Thi Ngoc - Standing Vice President of the Hai Phong City Labor Confederation - said that in recent years, the Hai Phong City Labor Confederation's Shelter Fund has received enthusiastic support. of the city's employees, raising about 6 billion VND each year to care for and support union members and workers in difficult circumstances who need to build and repair houses.

Representatives of the Hai Phong City Labor Confederation awarded support funds to Ms. Nguyen Thi Hao. Photo: Mai Dung
Representatives of the Hai Phong City Labor Confederation awarded support funds to Ms. Nguyen Thi Hao. Photo: Mai Dung

In 2024, the Trade Union Shelter Fund aims to support 80-100 Trade Union Shelter houses for union members, of which, in July alone towards the 95th anniversary of the Founding of the Vietnam Trade Union, the Fund has assessed, Approved and awarded funding to support 9 Trade Union Shelters with a budget of 450 million VND. Thereby, we hope that union members and workers will have a safe place to live, have a stable life, feel secure in their production work, stick with the business as well as actively participate in union activities and the labor movement.

On this occasion, the Hai Phong City Labor Confederation awarded a budget of 50 million VND/case to support the construction of a Trade Union Shelter. Sao Vang Company Limited also supports each family 80 million VND, the company's Trade Union supports 3 million VND; Nguyen Gia Thao Charity Fund and Hai Phong Industry and Trade Union also gave meaningful gifts such as air conditioners and fans to union members.

Mai Dung

Lớp học ở Hải Phòng có 41/48 học sinh đạt trên 9 điểm môn Ngữ Văn

Mai Dung |

Lớp 12C11 Trường THPT Quang Trung (Hải Phòng) vừa ghi nhận 41/48 học sinh đạt hơn 9 điểm môn Ngữ Văn tốt nghiệp THPT.

LĐLĐ TP Hải Phòng khen thưởng nữ điều dưỡng có thành tích đặc biệt xuất sắc đột xuất

Mai Dung |

Sáng 16.7, Liên đoàn Lao động (LĐLĐ) TP Hải Phòng tổ chức khen thưởng nữ điều dưỡng cứu sống cháu bé sơ sinh 7 ngày tuổi.

Hải Phòng khen thưởng nữ điều dưỡng cứu cháu bé sơ sinh ngừng thở

Mai Dung |

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Việt Bắc |

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Mai Dung |

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Hai Phong City Labor Federation rewarded female nurses with exceptionally outstanding achievements

Mai Dung |

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Mai Dung |

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