The class in Hai Phong has 41/48 students scoring over 9 points in Literature

Mai Dung |

Class 12C11 Quang Trung High School ( Hai Phong ) has just recorded 41/48 students achieving more than 9 points in Literature to graduate from high school.

Double achievement of teacher Thu

On the afternoon of July 17, talking with Lao Dong, Mr. Quach Tan Binh - Principal of Quang Trung High School excitedly said that the school achieved a 100% high school graduation rate. In particular, class 12C11 led by Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoai Thu as homeroom teacher has 41/48 students achieving excellent scores in Literature.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoai Thu - Head of the Literature, History, and Geography group at Quang Trung High School once caused a stir on social networks in 2022 when class 12C4, which she taught, had 50 students all achieving excellent scores in Literature with an average score of 9.17. Among them, only 6 cases scored 8.25-8.75 points, 44 students all scored 9 or higher, the highest being 9.75 points.

This year, class 12C11, led by Ms. Thu as homeroom teacher and teaching Literature, continues to achieve high results with 48/48 students scoring over 8 Literature subjects, of which 41 students have Literature scores over 9 points. (average score 9.22 points).

Sharing about the Literature exam achievements of class 12C11, Ms. Thu said that this result is very proud, completely worthy of the efforts and efforts of her and her students during the past 3 years of school.

In the 2024 high school graduation exam, class 12C11 of Quang Trung High School had 41/48 students scoring from 9 Literature subjects. Photo: Provided by the character
In the 2024 high school graduation exam, class 12C11 of Quang Trung High School had 41/48 students scoring from 9 Literature subjects. Photo: Provided by the character

Inspirational journey

Through discussion with Lao Dong, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoai Thu said - although the entrance score of class 12C11 is not high, right from entering grade 10, only a few students show a passion for Literature, Most people feel quite confused with the curriculum. Therefore, during the teaching process, Ms. Thu struggles to convey her knowledge and love for Literature to her students.

"To make my children love the subject, I create many playgrounds and "theatrics" for them to play characters, feel and appreciate each literary work. I also let students play "specialist" roles. author" or author so that the children can learn thoroughly about the work, talk about the author and the work. With the secret of "letting students talk more", I feel that the knowledge is remembered more deeply, and the children also I gradually fell in love with this subject" - Ms. Thu shared.

Also according to Ms. Thu, during 3 years of high school, the Literature exam scores of class 12C11 were always at the top of the block. This result for Ms. Thu is largely due to the efforts of the students, the teacher is only the guide. This morning, when she learned the test scores of class 12C11, Ms. Thu was very happy, emotional, and proud of her students. For her, this will be a memorable memory in her "boat driving" journey, a motivation for her to continue guiding generations of students, achieving many impressive results.

Mai Dung

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