300 union members attend forum on child labor


Nghe An - On the afternoon of September 14, in Vinh City, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor organized a forum on "Preventing and reducing child labor and protecting and improving skills for young workers".

The program was organized by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor in coordination with UNICEF and the Nghe An Provincial Labor Federation with the participation of more than 300 union officials, union members, and workers at factories and enterprises in Nghe An province.

Speaking at the program, Ms. Tran Thu Phuong, Deputy Head of Women's Union - Vietnam General Confederation of Labor said that the program aims to improve knowledge and skills to help prevent and reduce child labor, while promoting training and vocational development policies for young workers, contributing to building a sustainable working environment and creating conditions for the development of young human resources.

According to information from the forum, in Vietnam, 2018 data shows that there are an estimated 1 million children under 17 years old participating in labor. Of these, 519,805 children are engaged in hazardous work, with 20.1% of child laborers working more than 42 hours/week. This can have long-term consequences on children's physical and mental development and affect economic development.

Ba Tran Thu Phuong, Pho Truong Ban Nu cong - Tong Lien doan lao dong Viet Nam phat bieu khai mac dien dan. Anh: Duy Chuong.
Ms. Tran Thu Phuong, Deputy Head of Women's Union - Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, delivered the opening speech at the forum. Photo: Duy Chuong.

For young workers, although there are labor law regulations on working time and conditions for this group, most of them need guidance and support from employers and trade unions.

Since 2018, with the help of the United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF, Vietnam has integrated transferable skills into vocational training for children aged 15-18 in a number of localities. The results have been highly appreciated by vocational training institutions and learners and should be recommended for widespread application.

At the forum, Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Huong, lecturer of the Vietnam Youth Academy, provided knowledge about child labor, prevention and reduction of young labor; vocational training and skills needed for young laborers... through the form of asking questions.

Cac bieu tham gia chuong trinh tim hieu ve van de phong ngua, giam thieu lao dong tre em. Anh: Duy Chuong.
Participants in the program learn about the prevention and reduction of child labor. Photo: Duy Chuong.

Although the time was not long, the forum was very exciting and effective, providing the most basic knowledge about the current situation and harmful effects of child labor, the current situation of young labor and vocational training for young laborers. At the same time, it pointed out the responsibility of society, trade unions, and employers in preventing and reducing child labor.

Ending hazardous child labor and improving occupational health and safety for young workers will help the next generation start their careers as productive workers, with fair incomes, capable of contributing to society and economic growth. From there, contributing to improving the safety and health of workers, ensuring a better life for each individual and family...

Doan vien cong doan tham gia tra loi cac cau hoi tai chuong trinh. Anh: Duy Chuong.
Union members answer questions at the program. Photo: Duy Chuong.

The forum “Preventing, reducing child labor and protecting and improving skills for young workers” is part of a series of programs to protect, care for and educate children, creating the best development environment for them, thereby helping them to maximize their qualities, abilities and strengths, contributing to an increasingly civilized and better family and society.

It is known that Nghe An is one of four provinces in the country where the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor in collaboration with the United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF organized the Forum "Preventing and reducing child labor and protecting and improving skills for young workers".


Công đoàn đảm bảo truyền thông hiệu quả về lao động trẻ em

Xuân Nhàn |

“Hợp tác giữa Tổng LĐLĐVN với Quỹ Nhi đồng Liên Hợp Quốc (UNICEF) là cần thiết. Mạng lưới rộng khắp của công đoàn đảm bảo truyền thông hiệu quả, giúp địa phương, doanh nghiệp thay đổi tích cực trong phòng ngừa, giảm thiểu lao động trẻ em cũng như nâng cao trình độ cho lao động trẻ”.

Phó Chủ tịch Thường trực Tổng LĐLĐVN dự diễn đàn bảo vệ trẻ em

Xuân Nhàn |

Sự hiện diện của Phó Chủ tịch Thường trực Tổng LĐLĐVN Thái Thu Xương khẳng định tầm quan trọng của hoạt động thuộc Chương trình “Lao động: Không phải việc của trẻ em”.

Hàng nghìn cơ hội việc làm cho sinh viên, lao động trẻ Thủ đô


''Ngày hội việc làm Thanh niên Thủ đô'' lần thứ 15 đã thu hút sự tham gia của 30 đơn vị, doanh nghiệp, cung cấp hơn 2.000 chỉ tiêu tuyển dụng lao động, chỉ tiêu tuyển sinh đào tạo dạy nghề cho lao động trẻ, thanh niên, sinh viên trên địa bàn Hà Nội.

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Unions ensure effective communication on child labor

Xuân Nhàn |

“Cooperation between the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is necessary. The union's extensive network ensures effective communication, helping localities and businesses make positive changes in preventing and minimizing child labor as well as improving the qualifications of young workers .

Standing Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor attended the child protection forum

Xuân Nhàn |

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Hàng nghìn cơ hội việc làm cho sinh viên, lao động trẻ Thủ đô


''Ngày hội việc làm Thanh niên Thủ đô'' lần thứ 15 đã thu hút sự tham gia của 30 đơn vị, doanh nghiệp, cung cấp hơn 2.000 chỉ tiêu tuyển dụng lao động, chỉ tiêu tuyển sinh đào tạo dạy nghề cho lao động trẻ, thanh niên, sinh viên trên địa bàn Hà Nội.