62 years old, paid social insurance for 17 years, what to do to receive a pension?

Hà Anh |

Mr. Đoàn Văn Thăng (Thái Bình), 62 years old, has contributed to social insurance for 17 years. Currently, Mr. Thăng does not know what he needs to do to receive a pension.

Vietnam Social Security responds:

1. According to current policy regulations, employees are entitled to a pension when they reach retirement age and have 20 years of social insurance contributions. In your case, you are 62 years old this year but have only 17 years of social insurance contributions, so you are not yet eligible for a pension.

If you wish to receive a pension, you can participate in Voluntary Social Insurance until you have 20 years of social insurance contributions to be eligible for a pension according to regulations.

2. According to Clause 1, Article 9 of Decree No. 134/2015/ND-CP dated December 29, 2015, detailing some articles of the Law on Social Insurance regarding voluntary social insurance, participants in voluntary social insurance can choose one of the following payment methods to contribute to the retirement and survivorship fund: monthly payments; quarterly payments; semi-annual payments; annual payments; lump-sum payments for multiple years in advance but not exceeding 5 years at a time; lump-sum payments for the remaining years for participants who have met the age requirement for pension but lack no more than 10 years (120 months) of social insurance contributions, allowing them to make up the 20 years needed to receive a pension.

Therefore, if readers wish to receive a pension as soon as possible, they can register to pay voluntary social insurance in a lump sum for the remaining 3 years to receive a pension immediately in the month following the month they complete their social insurance contributions.

Hà Anh

Đối tượng được điều chỉnh mức tăng lương hưu từ 1.7.2025

Phương Minh |

Bạn đọc hỏi: Đối tượng nào được điều chỉnh mức tăng lương hưu từ 1.7.2025 khi Luật Bảo hiểm xã hội mới có hiệu lực?

Thời gian công tác để tính hưởng lương hưu của công an


Điều 2 Nghị định 49/2019/NĐ-CP có quy định về thời gian công tác để tính hưởng chế độ lương hưu của công an Nhân dân.

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Luật Bảo hiểm xã hội 2024 có hiệu lực thi hành từ ngày 1.7.2025 đã bổ sung quy định về việc ủy quyền nhận lương hưu.

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Tâm Tú |

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