Essay and reportage contest about workers, unions and workers in Ha Tinh:

Impressions of the writing contest about workers, unions and workers in Ha Tinh

Xuân Hùng |

The essay and reportage contest about workers , unions and workers in Ha Tinh left many good impressions, many moving and strongly inspiring works.

Diverse topics and ways of reflection

Celebrating 95 years of Vietnam Trade Union (July 28, 1929 - July 28, 2024); 95 years since the first issue of Labor Newspaper was published (August 14, 1929 - August 14, 2024), Lao Dong Newspaper and Ha Tinh Labor Confederation jointly organized a contest of memoirs and reportage about workers, unions and workers in Ha Tinh. Static.

This is a broad topic with a lot of material and is a source of inspiration for writers, artists, and journalists. However, this is also a topic that is considered dry and difficult, especially with the reportage and memoir genres.

Therefore, despite the high expectations and very clear direction, in the first days, right after the launch, the Organizing Committee could not help but worry because they were afraid of falling into a situation where they only "launched" but did not "move".

Worker Nguyen Van Cuong (45 years old), in the work "Hundreds of workers in the hot sun clinging to the North-South Expressway construction site" by Pham Thong.
Worker Nguyen Van Cuong (45 years old), in the work "Hundreds of workers in the hot sun clinging to the North-South Expressway construction site" by author Pham Thong.

To start immediately, in addition to regular reporters, leaders of the Lao Dong Newspaper Representative Office in the North Central region have mobilized regular collaborators such as Cong Sang, Pham Thong, Duy Chuong... to participate.

In the midst of scorching hot days, collaborators no matter how difficult it is to stick to construction sites and factories, following in the footsteps of grassroots union officials to truly reflect the lives of workers and their passionate and thoughtful work. Meaning of trade union officials.

Since then, works have gradually appeared such as : "Hundreds of workers wearing hot sun at the construction site of the North-South Expressway", "Ha Tinh workers wearing hot sun to build irrigation canals worth more than 660 billion VND", " The Warm House is full of joy", "Creativity from simple things" are the first memoirs and reports to be published.

The worries gradually eased when, next, many writers who were teachers, union officials, workers... continuously submitted entries.

Author Le Van Vy has very impressive reports and notes such as "Human destinies rising from the darkness", "Creating sustainable livelihoods for hundreds of blind people", "Nurturing happiness for drifting lives". "... The works rich in reality, imbued with the humanistic spirit of author Le Van Vy act as a catalyst, inspiring many professional and non-professional writers to participate in the contest.

In the last few days, the Organizing Committee has received more quality and enthusiastic works.

By the end of the contest on July 20, 2024, the Organizing Committee had received 55 works, selected, edited and published on the Electronic Labor Newspaper 46 works covering many genres.

Accordingly, there are not only articles but also photo reports such as "Pink shadows" on construction sites and factories in Vung Ang economic zone", "Ha Tinh workers brave the hot sun to construct irrigation canals of more than 660 meters." billion". In particular, the Organizing Committee also received television reports from professionals such as the work "Female trade union members "Good at country work, responsible for housework" by the author group of Ha Tinh Radio and Television Station; even amateur photographers like teacher Le Thi Hong (Ky Loi Kindergarten) with her 7-minute reportage "The devoted eldest sister ".

If you're not dedicated and don't have sincere feelings for the character reflecting the competition, it's certainly difficult to put in that much effort.

Ms. Chu Thi Thuy (born 1973) in the photo report "The "pink shadows" on construction sites and factories in Vung Ang economic zone".
Ms. Chu Thi Thuy (born 1973) in the photo report "The "pink shadows" on construction sites and factories in Vung Ang economic zone".

In less than 3 months, with a "dry" and "difficult" contest, the number of works like that is a great encouragement and encouragement, and more interesting, the submitted works are not "dry" but very Diverse, smooth, enthusiastic.

There are really few essay contests or reportage contests about workers, unions, and laborers that receive the attention and enthusiastic participation of collaborators in such a short time.

Rich and impressive content

There are many good people and good deeds, but writing well and deeply is not easy. If you don't write skillfully, it will become showy and boring. Many writing contests, including many books about good people and good deeds, are just a collection of dry personal achievement reports, with little inspirational value.

With the works participating in this contest, the images of workers and union officials are portrayed realistically and vividly by the writers with specific situations, jobs, and very simple thoughts. , ordinary but very precious.

The family situation of worker Le Manh Hung in the reportage "Light, faith at the end of the road" by author Le Van Vy
The family situation of worker Le Manh Hung in the reportage "Light, faith at the end of the road" by author Le Van Vy.

There, there are fates that suffer many losses and disadvantages like Mr. Le Manh Hung - Worker of Ha Tinh Agriculture and Forestry Development Joint Stock Company in the work "Light, faith and love at the end of the road", Nguyen Dinh Tien , Le Huu Tue in "Human fates coming out of darkness"; Duong Thi Le, Duong Thi Thien in "Nurturing happiness for drifting lives" ...

And in each situation, each unfortunate fate, there is always the timely help and encouragement of colleagues and trade union officials for them to rely on, giving them strength and confidence to overcome adversity. That is the strength and great value of the compassion and sense of responsibility of trade union officials. If the writing is not truthful and not felt from the heart, it will be difficult to be as interesting and touching.

Through the works, the image of workers is portrayed boldly and realistically with all the hardships on the construction site as well as the concerns and worries in everyday life. Those are the drops of sweat, the hasty lunches and even the very real life confessions of Mr. Bui Van Quang, Mr. Bui Van Tu, Bui Huy Hoang, Tran The Tai, Mai Vu Tran Quang, Le Dinh Hieu in the reportage about construction workers on a 500kV circuit 3 construction site....

Worker Bui Van Quang (45 years old, native of Hoa Binh province) in the work " Quick meal of workers at a 500kV 3-circuit construction site" by Duc Tien.

That is the bright smile of the pink shadows on the construction site of Vung Anh economic zone such as Ms. Phan Thi Lan, Nguyen Thi Hai Yen, Chu Thi Thuy, Vo Thi Hong in "Pink shadows" on construction sites and factories. Vung Ang economic zone”…

These are the workers who work passionately every day, diligently working on the smallest and most simple things, day by day contributing to building their homeland like the young worker Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh in her memoir "The Beautified Flower". streets", is Phan Thi Thuy Lieu in "Those who sow green for Thanh Sen urban area"...

Besides, the works also portray portraits of workers who are always concerned about how to make their work better and help many people.

That is Mr. Tran Van Han - Trade Union member of Hong Linh Urban Environment One Member Company Limited who has created many ideas to make electric garbage trucks work better, helping environmental workers less strenuous; That is the creation "Improved wheelchair to serve severe patients going to clinical work at the Department of General Internal Medicine, Duc Tho District General Hospital, Ha Tinh" by doctor Nguyen Thanh Ha and nurse Le Xuan Quang...

That is the silent labor in the deep mountains and valleys to protect the forests of officials and rangers like Phan Khac Tam and Bui Duc Hanh in "Everyone chooses easy work, arduous work knows whose reward" ; are people who diligently love nature, love the forest and maintain forest diversity like the staff of Vu Quang National Park in the reportage "Follow the staff of Vu Quang National Park to hunt for photos of rare animals"...

The forest ranger's meal in the middle of the forest in the work "Everyone chooses the easy work, the arduous work knows whose share it is" by Phan An.
A light meal in the middle of the forest of a forest ranger in the work "Everyone chooses easy work, hard work knows who to get" by author Phan An.

As organizers and careful readers of the works, we were truly moved by the silent contributions of the workers, truly moved by every sentence and every word of the authors. If you don't love and appreciate, how can you get those good things? If you need a lively, realistic, colorful documentary about labor workers, the director just needs to stick to the stories and images shown in this competition, which is more than enough.

A topic that is not easy for many writers, even professional writers, is writing about "trade union profession" and union officials. This is a profession, the more you work, the more you will never run out of work, and without a loving heart, a spirit of sacrifice, dedication and skill, it will be difficult to survive. Writing about them with reflective information and achievements is easy, but reflecting in a way that is emotional and pervasive without exhorting or listing achievements is not simple.

Mr. Tran Hau Tu - Chairman of Ha Tinh Education Union visited and encouraged union members being treated at Hospital 108. Photo: TL
Mr. Tran Hau Tu - Chairman of Ha Tinh Education Union visited and encouraged union members being treated at Hospital 108. Photo: TL

However, through the contest, the image of a union official is boldly portrayed through the specific actions and thoughts of specific people in specific circumstances.

That is Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Ha Tinh province Nguyen Van Danh in "Trade Union activities must be done in math, not in writing"; is teacher Tran Thi Nguyet - Phu Gia Secondary School, Huong Khe district in "The person who sows the green seeds of kindness"; Mr. Nguyen Duy Binh - Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Chairman of An Hoa Thinh Commune Trade Union; Ms. Cu Bich Thuan - Chairwoman of Huong Son District Confederation of Labor in "Meeting union leaders in mountainous areas"...

Through the works, readers gain more faith, love, and respect for the silent, sacrificial, and dedicated work of union officials. They are the ones who soothe pain, connect kindness and give motivation to each person to overcome adversity. Through the works, readers can better understand and share the hardships of the "trade union profession".


The contest has ended but its values ​​and echoes remain forever. If we need to say the shortest words about this competition, they are "Companion", "Dedication", "Responsibility", "Dedication".

Sincerely thank the enthusiastic support, timely and sincere encouragement of comrade Hoang Trung Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Ha Tinh Provincial Party Committee, comrade Vo Trong Hai - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

Sincerely thank Mr. Nguyen Van Danh - Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Ha Tinh province not only for his leadership role but also for his very professional and effective professional comments.

Sincerely thank the authors who have bravely participated in the contest with the highest spirit of companionship and support with many valuable works such as teacher Le Van Vy, teacher Tran Thi Diep, and Phan Thi. Mai Lan, Phan An…

The contest will not be successful without strong financial support and companionship. The Organizing Committee would like to thank the People's Committee of Ha Tinh province and relevant departments and branches; Sincerely thank the Labor Federation of Ha Tinh province, Sao Vang Beer, Alcohol and Beverage Group Joint Stock Company - SAVABECO; Hoanh Son Group Joint Stock Company and other units effectively sponsored the contest.

From July 21, 2024 , the Organizing Committee will stop accepting entries to the competition. Sincerely thank the authors for their interest and enthusiastic participation.

Xuân Hùng

Ngọn lửa nhiệt tâm và sáng tạo

Trần Thị Ngọc Tú |

Không những nhiệt tâm và sáng tạo, nữ đoàn viên công đoàn ở một trường miền núi Hương Khê (tỉnh Hà Tĩnh) còn làm việc với ngọn lửa luôn ấm trong tim.

Công đoàn Hà Tĩnh tôi yêu

Phương Bắc |

Làm cán bộ công đoàn bằng tâm huyết, luôn nỗ lực, cống hiến - đó là nguồn cảm hứng để ra đời ca khúc “Công đoàn Hà Tĩnh tôi yêu...”.

Báo Lao Động đồng hành cùng công nhân, người lao động

Nguyễn Linh |

Báo Lao Động không chỉ là cầu nối quan trọng giữa Đảng, nhà nước với nhân dân, mà còn là người bạn đồng hành tin cậy của giai cấp công nhân và người lao động.

Trực tiếp bóng đá Nam Định 1-0 Lee Man: Hiệp 2


Trực tiếp trận đấu giữa câu lạc bộ Nam Định và Lee Man tại Cúp C2 châu Á, diễn ra lúc 19h00 hôm nay (18.9).

Giờ thứ 9: Giao kèo hôn nhân - Phần 1

Nhóm PV |

Giờ thứ 9 - Hai nhân vật trong câu chuyện là bạn thân. Vì gia đình thúc ép, họ đã đến với nhau bằng một bản hợp đồng hôn nhân. Họ sẽ sống với nhau như thế nào?

Vụ trẻ bị đánh, đá ở lớp: Phụ huynh, chủ nhà trẻ nói gì?


Bình Thuận - Gia đình bé bị đánh rất xót con nhưng sẽ tha thứ cho cô. Chủ nhà trẻ xin lỗi vì quá nóng giận. Địa phương đã đình chỉ nhà trẻ.

Hành trình đi để trở về của Quán quân đường lên đỉnh Olympia

Nhóm PV |

Ước mơ được học tập, trải nghiệm ở môi trường quốc tế và sau đó sẽ quay trở lại Việt Nam, để hiện thực hóa khát vọng được cống hiến, được góp một phần công sức cho sự chuyển mình của đất nước - đây là điều mà Phan Minh Đức - quán quân Đường lên đỉnh Olympia năm 2010 luôn ấp ủ và coi là lẽ sống. Hành trình trở về Việt Nam của Đức luôn có sự đồng hành của rất nhiều bạn trẻ, những người luôn khát khao được cống hiến cho đất nước, đơn giản vì muốn khẳng định: "Tôi là người Việt Nam". Hành trình đó, chúng tôi gọi là “đi để trở về" của những tài năng Việt.

TPHCM mưa lớn giờ tan tầm, nhiều tuyến đường ùn ứ kéo dài

Nguyên Chân |

Cơn mưa lớn xuất hiện vào giờ cao điểm chiều 18.9 khiến kẹt xe, ùn ứ trên nhiều tuyến đường ở TPHCM trở nên nghiêm trọng hơn.

Ngọn lửa nhiệt tâm và sáng tạo

Trần Thị Ngọc Tú |

Không những nhiệt tâm và sáng tạo, nữ đoàn viên công đoàn ở một trường miền núi Hương Khê (tỉnh Hà Tĩnh) còn làm việc với ngọn lửa luôn ấm trong tim.

Công đoàn Hà Tĩnh tôi yêu

Phương Bắc |

Làm cán bộ công đoàn bằng tâm huyết, luôn nỗ lực, cống hiến - đó là nguồn cảm hứng để ra đời ca khúc “Công đoàn Hà Tĩnh tôi yêu...”.

Báo Lao Động đồng hành cùng công nhân, người lao động

Nguyễn Linh |

Báo Lao Động không chỉ là cầu nối quan trọng giữa Đảng, nhà nước với nhân dân, mà còn là người bạn đồng hành tin cậy của giai cấp công nhân và người lao động.