Do non-specialized commune officials participate in compulsory social insurance?

Hà Anh |

Many people are currently wondering whether part-time officials in communes must participate in compulsory social insurance ?

Vietnam Social Insurance information: Law No. 41/2024/QH15 on Social Insurance was passed by the 15th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 7th session on June 29, 2024, which states "Participants" compulsory social insurance".

Accordingly, employees who are Vietnamese citizens subject to compulsory social insurance include:

a) People working under an indefinite-term labor contract or a definite-term labor contract with a term of 1 full month or more, including cases where the employee and the employer agree in writing another name but with content expressing the paid employment, salary and management, administration and supervision of one party;

b) Officials, civil servants and public employees;

c) Defense workers and officials, police workers, and other workers in cipher organizations;

d) Officers and professional soldiers of the People's Army; officers, professional non-commissioned officers, officers, technical non-commissioned officers of the People's Public Security; People who do cipher work are paid the same as soldiers;

d) Non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the People's Army; non-commissioned officers and soldiers on duty of the People's Public Security; Military, police, and cipher students studying are entitled to living expenses;

e) Standing militia;

g) Employees going to work abroad under contracts specified in the Law on Vietnamese Workers going to work abroad under contracts, except in the case of international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member with different regulations;

h) Spouses who do not receive a salary from the state budget and are sent on a business trip with a member of a representative agency of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam abroad are entitled to a living allowance;

i) Enterprise managers, controllers, representatives of state capital, and representatives of enterprise capital according to the provisions of law; Members of the Board of Directors, General Director, Director, members of the Supervisory Board or controllers and other elected management positions of cooperatives and unions of cooperatives according to the provisions of the Law on Cooperatives receive salary;

k) People who work part-time at the commune level, in villages and residential groups;

l) The subjects specified in Point a of this Clause work part-time and have a monthly salary equal to or higher than the salary used as the basis for the lowest compulsory social insurance payment;

m) Business household owners of business households with business registration participate in accordance with Government regulations;

n) Enterprise managers, controllers, representatives of state capital, and representatives of enterprise capital according to the provisions of law; Members of the Board of Directors, General Director, Director, members of the Supervisory Board or controllers and other elected management positions of cooperatives and unions of cooperatives according to the provisions of the Law on Cooperatives no salary…

Thus, people who work part-time at the commune level, in villages and residential groups are subject to compulsory social insurance participation.

Hà Anh

Phó bí thư chi bộ thôn có tham gia BHXH bắt buộc không?

Thục Quyên |

Phó bí thư chi bộ thôn có thuộc đối tượng tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội bắt buộc không khi Luật Bảo hiểm xã hội (sửa đổi) đã mở rộng đối tượng tham gia?

Không đóng BHXH bắt buộc có được nhận tiền thai sản?


Từ 1.7.2025, lao động nữ không đóng BHXH bắt buộc vẫn có thể được nhận tiền thai sản khi sinh con.

Bí thư chi bộ thôn sẽ tham gia BHXH bắt buộc

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

Theo quy định của Luật Bảo hiểm xã hội (sửa đổi), có hiệu lực từ 1.7.2025, bí thư chi bộ thôn là đối tượng tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội (BHXH) bắt buộc.

Tổng thống Putin ký lệnh tăng quy mô quân đội Nga

Ngọc Vân |

Tổng thống Vladimir Putin ký sắc lệnh chính thức tăng quy mô quân đội Nga lên gần 2,4 triệu người.

Trường 3 cấp học ở Đồng Nai nợ bảo hiểm hơn 3 tỉ đồng


Đồng Nai - Trường TH-THCS-THPT Lê Quý Đôn - huyện Tân Phú bị đề nghị không giao chỉ tiêu tuyển sinh năm học 2024- 2025.

Mắc bẫy lừa đảo mua "combo du lịch" vì ham rẻ


Đánh vào tâm lý "ham rẻ" khi tham quan, nghỉ dưỡng của người dân, đối tượng lừa đảo đã mạo danh công ty, phòng vé bán combo, vé máy bay du lịch.

Những lô trái phiếu giá trị lớn đã xuất hiện

Lục Giang |

Ngoài trái phiếu ngân hàng, thị trường trái phiếu ghi nhận những tín hiệu tích cực từ nhóm bất động sản với những lô trái phiếu giá trị lớn.

Hiện trường vụ sập giàn giáo hầm chui cao tốc Tuyên Quang - Hà Giang

Lam Thanh |

Tại hiện trường là khung cảnh đổ nát sau vụ sập giàn giáo trong quá trình đổ bê tông hầm chui cao tốc Tuyên Quang - Hà Giang.

Does the deputy secretary of the village party participate in compulsory social insurance?

Thục Quyên |

Is the deputy secretary of the village cell eligible to participate in compulsory social insurance when the Law on Social Insurance (amended) has expanded the number of participants?

The village party secretary will participate in compulsory social insurance

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

According to the provisions of the Law on Social Insurance (amended), effective from July 1, 2025, the village cell secretary is subject to compulsory social insurance.