Grassroots trade unions - a bridge between businesses and workers

Lương Hà |

Grassroots trade unions in businesses in Nam Dinh province are increasingly developing, operating effectively and becoming a bridge between businesses and workers.

Community unions play an important role in businesses

Mr. Ngo Chi Thuc - Vice Chairman of the Confederation of Labor (Confederation of Labor) of Nam Dinh province - said that trade unions play an important role in enterprises, especially enterprises with foreign direct investment ( FDI), in recent years, Nam Dinh province has focused on establishing grassroots unions, serving as a "bridge" between employers and employees. The Union's activities contribute to building a harmonious and stable labor relationship between businesses and employees, helping to promote production and business development...

In Hai Hau district, Smart Shirts Hai Hau Co., Ltd. is a 100% foreign-invested enterprise, mainly producing high-end shirts for export. After the business went into operation, just one year after the CSCP was established, up to now all of the company's nearly 1,700 employees are trade union members.

Ms. Hoang Thi Thu Linh - President of the Trade Union of Smart Shirts Hai Hau Co., Ltd. - shared that since its establishment, the company's Trade Union has promoted its role as a bridge between employees and the leadership. “The thoughts and opinions of the workers are listened to and presented by the Executive Committee of the Company's Communist Party, recommended, worked with the employer, considered and met in the spirit of the provisions of the law. The company's Communist Party also actively propagates and mobilizes union members and employees to overcome all difficulties and complete assigned targets, helping the production relationship at the company to always be stable and the rights of workers are also guaranteed. said" - Ms. Linh said.

Chairman of the Trade Union of Smart Shirts Hai Hau Co., Ltd. shared that the company previously installed a steam fan system for cooling. However, during the production process, workers reported that this cooling system was ineffective, causing low labor productivity. Listening to workers' opinions, the Trade Union participated and proposed to company leaders to install additional air conditioning systems for all 4 production workshops.

In addition, the company also purchased and installed additional fan systems and cooling water systems in the remaining workshops and expanded rest areas and drinking rooms for workers.

A bridge connecting businesses and employees

As for Viet Power Company Limited (Hai Tan commune, Hai Hau district), CSCS was established in 2018, the company has nearly 6,300 workers. In 2023, the company's union will propose to the board of directors to install more cooling fans in factories, creating better working conditions for workers .

Ms. Pham Thi Phuong (worker of Viet Power Co., Ltd.) said: "Working at the company for 5 years, I see that the workers' wishes regarding salary, bonuses, working environment... are always recognized by the Communist Party of Vietnam Executive Committee." promptly grasped and proposed to leadership at the company. In particular, company leaders are also very interested in workers, always coordinating and supporting activities organized by the union, helping to improve the lives of our workers."

According to the report of the Labor Confederation of Nam Dinh province, in the first 6 months of 2024, the whole province has developed over 5,700 new union members and established 16 Communist unions. Up to now, the whole province has 1,655 Communist Youth Unions with over 164,332 union members.

Vice Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Nam Dinh province Ngo Chi Thuc emphasized that, promoting the role of "bridge", all levels of Trade Unions have participated in resolving conflicts of interest and rights between business owners and workers and laborers. At the same time, promote and innovate the content and methods of propaganda, dissemination, and provision of knowledge and legal regulations related to the rights and interests of employees, thereby avoiding cases where employees claim their rights and organization. collective stoppage of work due to lack of understanding, non-compliance with regulations, non-compliance with the content of the collective labor agreement signed with the employer...

Lương Hà

Thành lập Công đoàn cơ sở Trường mầm non tư thục

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội – Ngày 18.8, Liên đoàn Lao động huyện Thanh Trì cho biết đã ra Quyết định thành lập Công đoàn cơ sở Trường Mầm non tư thục Tuổi Thần Tiên – Đại Thanh.

Đà Nẵng vinh danh 73 Chủ tịch Công đoàn cơ sở tiêu biểu

Văn Trực |

Liên đoàn Lao động TP Đà Nẵng vinh danh 73 Chủ tịch Công đoàn cơ sở tiêu biểu đạt Giải thưởng 28/7.

Tập huấn bồi dưỡng nghiệp vụ cán bộ Công đoàn cơ sở năm 2024

Mai Lý (LĐLĐ huyện Cái Bè) |

Ngày 15.8, Liên đoàn Lao động (LĐLĐ) huyện Cái Bè (tỉnh Tiền Giang) tiếp tục tổ chức Hội nghị tập huấn nghiệp vụ công đoàn cho hơn 400 cán bộ công đoàn cơ sở.

Bệnh viện tổ chức Hội thi Chủ tịch Công đoàn cơ sở giỏi


TPHCM - Ngày 15.8, Bệnh viện Quân y 175 tổ chức hội thi Chủ tịch Công đoàn cơ sở giỏi, Tuyên truyền viên trẻ và Hát ru - Hát dân ca năm 2024.

Chủ tịch Công đoàn cơ sở ứng dụng chuyển đổi số

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội - Các chủ tịch công đoàn cơ sở giỏi năm 2024 của Tổng cục Hậu cần đã ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin và kết quả chuyển đổi số vào trong từng phần Hội thi.

Sôi nổi hội thi cán bộ công đoàn cơ sở giỏi


Nghệ An - Sáng 13.8, Liên đoàn Lao động thành phố Vinh tổ chức hội thi cán bộ công đoàn cơ sở giỏi.

Phát huy công tác nữ công tại công đoàn cơ sở

Lương Hà |

Để góp phần nâng cao đời sống vật chất, tinh thần cho công nhân, lao động (CNLĐ), nhất là lao động nữ, các cấp Công đoàn tỉnh Thái Bình chú trọng phát huy công tác nữ công tại công đoàn cơ sở (CĐCS).

Lợi dụng dự án cải tạo kênh mương để lấy đất đi bán


HUẾ - Lợi dụng danh nghĩa dự án cải tạo, nhiều khối đất thịt khu vực nội đồng của xã Hương Phong (TP Huế) bị “trộm” mang đi bán khắp nơi.