Vietnam Banking Union organizes the contest "Green bank for green life"

Hà Anh |

Vietnam Banking Trade Union (VBTU) has just held a meeting of the Steering Committee, Organizing Committee and Sub-committees of the "Green Bank for Green Life" Contest (Contest).

Attending the meeting were Mr. Dao Minh Tu - Permanent Deputy Governor of the State Bank, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, Head of the Competition Steering Committee; Ms. Nguyen Khanh Chi - Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, Deputy Permanent Head of the Steering Committee, Head of the Competition Organizing Committee... The competition was held on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the Founding of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (1929 - 2024) and major holidays of the year.

This is also the first event held at the banking industry level with the message "Green banking for green life" to spread the image of the banking industry developing sustainably, pioneering in strongly implementing activities for the community in general, towards building a sustainable green future in particular.

Mr. Dao Minh Tu - Permanent Deputy Governor of the State Bank, Chairman of the Vietnam Banking Federation, Head of the Competition Steering Committee - said that the 2024 "Green Bank for Green Life" Competition is an industry-wide competition, gathering trade unions at the grassroots level, grassroots trade unions directly under the Vietnam Banking Federation and other credit institutions in the industry that do not have a trade union organization or do not have trade union activities according to the Vietnam Banking Federation system. This is also a competition that combines professional expertise and cultural activities and movements in the entire industry. Therefore, the competition is both professional and technical, but also has the nature of exchanging and sharing experiences between union members and workers in the banking industry.

Ms. Nguyen Khanh Chi - Permanent Vice President of Vietnam Banking Federation - said that although the registration deadline for the Contest has not yet expired, with the theme suitable for the professional orientation of many banks, up to now, there have been 26 participating units, including 9 trade unions at the grassroots level; 5 emulation clusters of state banks, 9 affiliated grassroots trade unions and 3 joint stock commercial banks with trade unions not yet affiliated with Vietnam Banking Federation...

In order for the Contest to be successfully organized, Mr. Dao Minh Tu suggested that the organization of the Contest should demonstrate the nature and professional activities but not be restrictive, but should have a form that encourages union members to participate happily, comfortably, and enthusiastically, both demonstrating the competitiveness for the colors of the unit but also demonstrating the solidarity and attachment of union members and workers in the whole industry; the organization of the Contest must ensure strictness and seriousness, avoiding unnecessary risks, both demonstrating methodical, thoughtful, and professional but also requiring creativity and initiative, leaving many impressions and feelings for cadres, union members, and workers participating and following the Contest; it is necessary to continue to promote communication activities to strongly spread the Contest, thereby, encouraging a large number of union members and workers to participate in the Contest with the spirit of solidarity, exchange, learning, and actively contributing to the overall results of the Contest.

The contest is scheduled to take place from November 10-15 at the Vietnam-Soviet Friendship Labor Cultural Palace, Hanoi. The contest is organized in a theatrical format, including the following rounds: Round 1: Introducing the contest team; Round 2: Learning about Green Banking; Round 3: Debate. After finishing Round 1 and Round 2, the Organizing Committee will calculate the total score of the above 2 rounds to select a maximum of 13 teams with the highest scores to enter Round 3 (based on the quality of the contests and the number of participating teams).

The contest's participants are union members and employees of trade unions at the grassroots level, grassroots trade unions directly under the Vietnam Banking Federation and other credit institutions in the industry that do not have a trade union or do not have trade union activities according to the Vietnam Banking Federation system.

Hà Anh

Ấm áp Bữa cơm Công đoàn Ngân hàng Nhà nước Cần Thơ


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Phương Linh |

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Tô Công |

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Ngọc Vân |

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Warm Meal at Can Tho State Bank Trade Union


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Khai mạc hội nghị Ban Chấp hành Công đoàn Ngân hàng Việt Nam lần thứ 3

Phương Linh |

Chiều 28.6, tại TP Nha Trang (Khánh Hòa), Công đoàn Ngân hàng Việt Nam tổ chức Hội nghị Ban Chấp hành lần thứ 3, khóa VII, nhiệm kỳ 2023 - 2028.