More than 1,200 workers participated in "Trade Union Meal"


Lam Dong - Bao Loc City Labor Federation has just coordinated with the Grassroots Trade Union of Kanaan Bao Loc Co., Ltd. to organize a " Trade Union Meal " for workers.

At noon on August 15, the Bao Loc City Labor Federation (Lam Dong) coordinated with the Grassroots Trade Union of Kanaan Bao Loc Co., Ltd. (Loc Son Industrial Park) to organize a "Trade Union Meal" for workers and laborers.

The Grassroots Trade Union of Kanaan Bao Loc Co., Ltd. said that the unit is a company with 100% investment capital from Korea, specializing in producing garments for export.

Currently, the Company is creating jobs for more than 1,200 workers, with an income of 7 to 8 million VND/person/month. The Company's grassroots trade union always accompanies and coordinates smoothly with the Company's leaders in all activities.

Over the past time, the unit has always paid attention to implementing good policies, benefits, and taking care of employees according to increasingly advanced criteria. On weekdays, the value of the Company's daily shift meal is 20,000 VND.

At the "Trade Union Meal" Program, the Grassroots Trade Union of Kanaan Bao Loc Co., Ltd. prepared more than 1,200 meals for workers and laborers working at the Company.

A union meal for workers is worth 60,000 VND, with a total value of more than 70 million VND. Of which, the enterprise supports 20,000 VND, the Company's grassroots Trade Union fund 25,000 VND and the sponsor supports 15,000 VND/capacity.

On this occasion, Lam Dong Provincial Labor Federation and Bao Loc City Federation also awarded 20 gifts (worth 500,000 VND/gift) to workers and laborers in difficult circumstances who are working with workers. Kanaan Bao Loc Co., Ltd.

"Trade Union Meal" is one of the activities organized by the Bao Loc City Labor Federation in coordination with the Grassroots Trade Union of Kanaan Bao Loc Co., Ltd. and Company leaders on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of its founding. Vietnam Trade Union (July 28, 1929 - July 28, 2024).

This activity is to thank and express gratitude to union members and workers for their important contributions to building the Company and the ever-growing Trade Union organization.

This is a practical activity, continuing to affirm the responsibility of the Trade Union in taking care of and taking better care of the "most valuable asset" of the enterprise, which is the union members and workers from Meals and specific daily needs.


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