Public ethics are enhanced through the movement "Good advice, good service"

Tô Thế |

General Secretary and President To Lam emphasized that the movement " Good advice, good service " has become a catalyst to promote the good completion of political tasks in each agency and unit; contributing to improving public service ethics...

On the morning of September 4, at the Presidential Palace, which marked the deep imprint of President Ho Chi Minh's life of revolutionary activities, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the entire Party, people and army implementing his sacred Testament, the Vietnam Civil Servants' Trade Union and 150 typical examples of "Good advice, good service" were extremely moved to meet and report their achievements to General Secretary and President To Lam.

Also attending were Party Central Committee members: Le Khanh Hai, Head of the Office of the President; Pham Tat Thang, Deputy Head of the Central Committee for Mass Mobilization; Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, Deputy Chief of the Office of the Party Central Committee; Nguyen Dinh Khang, President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, and representatives of a number of central departments, ministries and branches.

General Secretary and President To Lam takes a souvenir photo with delegates at the lobby of the Presidential Palace. Photo: To The
General Secretary and President To Lam takes a souvenir photo with delegates at the lobby of the Presidential Palace. Photo: To The

To be honored to be present to report to the General Secretary and President today, the Vietnam Civil Servants' Trade Union and 150 typical examples have gone through a journey of months of effort and struggle, all for the benefit of the people, for the glorious Party and the eternal nation.

From the policy in the Resolution of the 12th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union in 2018, the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Civil Servants' Trade Union concretized the movement "Good advice, good service" in Resolution No. 04/NQ-CĐVC dated August 16, 2019 on improving the quality of patriotic emulation movements and campaigns among cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers and deployed throughout the system with the content: "Good advice" is advice that is correct, accurate, timely, creative, and brings high efficiency to the State, society, people, workers, and enterprises;

“Good service” means attentive, dedicated, responsible, and effective service in accordance with assigned duties and responsibilities, satisfying people, businesses, and customers. Service is also understood as serving the glorious cause of the Party, serving the Fatherland and the nation.

Comrade Ngo Duy Hieu, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, President of the Vietnam Civil Servants' Trade Union, reported briefly on the results of the movement. Photo: To The
Comrade Ngo Duy Hieu, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, President of the Vietnam Civil Servants' Trade Union, reported briefly on the results of the movement. Photo: To The

From the movement, tens of thousands of typical collectives and individuals have emerged as "Good consultants, good service". Of which, 150 typical examples present today are exemplary examples. These are enthusiastic cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers, full of aspirations, constantly studying, improving their mettle, working with a spirit of dedication, daring to face difficulties, always innovating, creating, improving the quality of work; close to the people, listening to the people, wholeheartedly serving the people, serving the Fatherland.

There have been thousands of typical examples receiving Medals of various types, State Awards, certificates of merit from the Prime Minister and many other noble titles.

General Secretary and President To Lam spoke at a meeting with 150 typical examples in the emulation movement "Good advice, good service".
General Secretary and President To Lam spoke at a meeting with 150 typical examples in the emulation movement "Good advice, good service".

At the meeting, General Secretary and President To Lam highly appreciated and welcomed the Vietnam Civil Servants' Trade Union for promoting its role in directing the propaganda, dissemination, organization, launching and implementation of patriotic emulation movements among cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers launched by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the Vietnam Civil Servants' Trade Union and all levels and sectors; including the emulation movement "Good advice, good service" which has been actively responded to by many trade unions at all levels, creating a driving force to promote the spirit of innovation, creativity, daring to think, daring to do, daring to face difficulties and challenges, strengthening discipline and order and increasing responsibility in all work.

With clear, concise, specific, easy-to-remember, easy-to-implement content, closely following the responsibilities and tasks of cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers, and associated with the political tasks of agencies and units, the movement soon permeated every base, attracting a large number of cadres and union members to participate.

General Secretary and President To Lam speaks at a meeting with 150 typical examples in the emulation movement "Good advice, good service". Photo: To The

The General Secretary and President expressed his emotion when learning that many cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers, despite low incomes and many difficulties in life, have resolutely overcome all temptations, worked with a high sense of responsibility, practiced integrity, impartiality, transparency, respect for the law, maintained public ethics, and were loved and trusted by colleagues and the people.

The movement “Good advice, good service” has thus become a catalyst to promote the successful completion of political tasks in each agency and unit; contributing to improving public service ethics, building a team of cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers who are truly “both red and professional”, meeting the requirements of revolutionary tasks in the new period.

General Secretary and President To Lam also stated that the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress sets the goal that by 2030 our country will be a developing country with modern industry and high average income; by 2045 it will become a developed country, following the socialist orientation, with high income. That is the aspiration of the entire nation, a great goal to help the country become strong, the people happy, so that our country can stand shoulder to shoulder with the world powers as President Ho Chi Minh wished. To realize and certainly achieve that goal requires each citizen, each cadre and party member to act with determination, unite under the leadership of the Party, in which the contingent of cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers in the political system, especially in central agencies, play a very important role.

In the new context of increasing difficulties and challenges, in order to successfully implement strategic goals, the General Secretary and President requires maximizing internal resources and taking advantage of external resources, in which human resources are the most important internal resources; it is necessary to have a team of cadres, civil servants and public employees with sufficient qualities, capacity, prestige, true professionalism, integrity, discipline, order and public ethics, wholeheartedly serving the Fatherland and the people, always putting the interests of the Party, the nation, the people above all and first.

150 typical examples of "Good advice, good service" attended the meeting. Photo: To The

The General Secretary and President believes that under the leadership of the Party organization at the grassroots level, the trade union and professional agencies will always create an environment that combines collective education and training with promoting initiative and self-awareness in training and personal development. We will have a strong force and a team of cadres with sufficient capacity and qualities to meet the requirements of tasks in the new situation.

During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh repeatedly affirmed that "cadres, civil servants, and public employees are servants of the people, are servants of the people... Whatever is beneficial to the people, we must do our utmost to do. Whatever is harmful to the people, we must avoid at all costs. We must love and respect the people", General Secretary and President To Lam wished that everyone must always keep this in mind, consider this a lesson to be learned by heart, a guiding principle throughout the process of performing public duties of cadres, civil servants, and public employees.

Faced with the requirements of national development in the context of globalization and the Fourth Industrial Revolution based on digital transformation, green transformation and knowledge-based economy, it is required that cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers must be truly dynamic, innovative and creative; must constantly train their political mettle; grasp policies and laws; constantly improve their knowledge, innovate their thinking and vision; have a spirit of lifelong self-study, always update their knowledge and develop their skills to meet the requirements of the new situation.

General Secretary and President To Lam presents souvenirs to delegates. Photo: To The
General Secretary and President To Lam presents souvenirs to delegates. Photo: To The

The General Secretary and President said that in order to promote innovative thinking and creativity in personnel work, Party committees at all levels, leadership collectives and heads must correctly evaluate cadres, truly care about encouraging, planning, promoting, encouraging and protecting dynamic, creative cadres who dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility for the common good; focus on overcoming the situation where a number of cadres, civil servants and public employees avoid, push back, are indifferent, insensitive, work perfunctorily, roughly, ineffectively, are afraid of making mistakes and being afraid of responsibility in performing public duties; do not dare to advise, do not make decisions, do not dare to face difficulties in performing assigned tasks.

From the encouraging results of the movement “Good advice, good service”, the General Secretary and President requested the Vietnam Civil Servants’ Trade Union and all levels of trade unions nationwide to continue to widely deploy patriotic emulation movements, campaigns and studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style among cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers. Continue to innovate organizational forms, strengthen guidance, urging and monitoring the implementation of emulation movements so that the movements are maintained regularly and continuously; clearly define the goals, objects, contents and criteria of emulation.

Pay more attention to the work of discovering, selecting, praising, replicating and spreading advanced models.

General Secretary and President To Lam took a souvenir photo with delegates. Photo: To The
General Secretary and President To Lam took a souvenir photo with delegates. Photo: To The

Affirming that the Party and State will continue to pay attention to perfecting institutions, researching and innovating policies and salary regimes, creating a favorable environment for cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers to work and contribute, the General Secretary and President hopes that typical examples are not satisfied with the results achieved, must continue to practice, strive, overcome all difficulties, innovate, dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, complete well all assigned tasks, create many new products, serve the cause of national construction and development.

The General Secretary and President also hopes that when they return to their agencies, units, and localities, the typical examples will continue to set an example and spread the word, so that each agency, unit, and the country will have many cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers who are "good consultants and good service providers".

Tô Thế

Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước gặp mặt 150 gương điển hình "tham mưu giỏi, phục vụ tốt"

Tô Thế |

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