Propose to continue supporting the improvement of the capacity of Trade Union officials

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

Hanoi - On the afternoon of September 17, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Huynh Thanh Xuan received the delegation of the International Wood and Construction Trade Union. One of the proposals was to continue supporting the capacity building of Vietnamese Trade Union officials.

The delegation of the Building and Timber Workers International (BWI) was led by Mr. Dave Noonan - President of BWI Asia - Pacific. The delegation also included Mr. Saul Mendez - Vice President of BWI and other members.

At the meeting, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Huynh Thanh Xuan exchanged information on the activities of the Vietnam Trade Union and some proposals for cooperation in the coming time.

Tong LDLDVN va Doan dai bieu BWI trao doi thong tin ve hoat dong Cong doan. Anh: Hai Nguyen
VGCL and BWI delegation exchange information on Trade Union activities. Photo: Hai Nguyen

In particular, Vietnam Trade Unions at all levels are currently focusing on developing projects and action programs to implement the Resolution of the 13th Congress of Vietnam Trade Union, term 2023-2028, focusing on 3 breakthroughs, including: Promoting dialogue and collective bargaining, focusing on wages, bonuses, working hours, rest hours, occupational safety and hygiene; Focusing on developing union members, establishing grassroots trade unions in non-state enterprises; Building a team of grassroots trade union chairmen to meet task requirements, especially trade union chairmen in non-state enterprises.

Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Huynh Thanh Xuan emphasized that in the process of development, the Vietnam Trade Union has received much affection and support from international friends, including BWI. The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor highly appreciated the cooperative relationship between BWI and Vietnam's industry unions in recent times.

Through BWI's union training support programs for the Vietnam Agriculture and Rural Development Trade Union and the Vietnam Construction Trade Union, many union officials in the construction, agriculture and forestry industries have been trained and have access to good knowledge and experience from BWI experts, thereby improving their capacity in representing and protecting the rights and interests of workers in the industry.

In addition, BWI's invitation to Vietnamese trade unions to attend conferences and seminars organized by BWI in other countries helps Vietnamese trade union officials have the opportunity to participate and learn knowledge and experience in trade union activities from trade unions in the same industry that are members of BWI in the region and globally to apply in practice in Vietnam.

At the meeting, BWI leaders discussed activities such as protecting workers, including minimizing the impact of climate change on the lives and jobs of workers; female workers; improving skills for union officials, occupational safety and hygiene... On this occasion, Mr. Dave Noonan expressed his respect for the people, Party and State of Vietnam.

To further promote the relationship between Vietnamese trade unions and BWI in depth, practically and effectively, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor requests BWI to continue to support Vietnamese industry trade unions, especially BWI member unions in Vietnam, through training activities to improve the capacity of Vietnamese trade union officials, especially in the current context, the force of newly elected officials after the trade union congresses at all levels is in great need of training and fostering to improve their capacity, contributing to the good performance of the functions and tasks of representing and protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests of union members and workers.

Continue to invite Vietnamese trade union officials to participate in activities organized by BWI in the region and around the world.

Support connecting Vietnamese trade unions with BWI member trade unions in other countries to enhance exchanges and learn good experiences in trade union work.

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn

7 nội dung cải cách tiền lương

Quỳnh Chi |

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Đề xuất tăng tiền trợ cấp thất nghiệp lên tới 75% tiền lương

Hoàng Lê |

Các cơ quan quản lý lao động tại TPHCM đề xuất nâng cao mức trợ cấp thất nghiệp lên 75% tiền lương và chính sách hỗ trợ người lao động thất nghiệp học nghề.

Cán bộ công đoàn phải chủ động cập nhật những quy định mới


Lâm Đồng - "Mỗi cán bộ công đoàn phải chủ động, thường xuyên nghiên cứu, cập nhật những quy định mới".

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Nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu dân cư ở Hà Nội


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Đan Thanh |

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Proposal to increase unemployment benefits to 75% of wages

Hoàng Lê |

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Union officials must proactively update new regulations


Lam Dong - "Each union official must be proactive, regularly research and update new regulations."