Base salary of 2.34 million VND abolished when there is a new salary table?

Minh Hương |

The base salary of 2.34 million VND can be abolished after 2026 when 5 new salary tables are built according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW.

In Conclusion 83-KL/TW in 2024, the Politburo requested the Central Economic Committee to preside over the preliminary review of the implementation of Resolution 27-NQ/TW in 2018, in coordination with the Party Committee of the Ministry of Home Affairs. and relevant departments, ministries and branches to research and evaluate the suitability and feasibility.

Proposing the implementation of 5 new salary tables and 9 new allowance regimes for the public sector to submit to the Central Government for consideration after 2026 when the Politburo promulgates and implements the Job Position List system. in the political system.

The Government has just issued Decree 73/2024/ND-CP increasing the base salary to 2.34 million VND/month from July 1, 2024.

In Resolution 27-NQ/TW, there is content on the design of 5 new salary tables by job position based on 5 factors:

Abolish the current base salary and salary coefficient, build the base salary by a specific amount in the new salary table.

Uniformly implement the labor contract regime according to the provisions of the Labor Code (or service provision contracts) for those doing executive and service jobs (requires training level below intermediate level) , the salary schedule of civil servants and public employees is not applied to these subjects.

Determining the lowest salary level of civil servants and public employees in the public sector is the salary level of people doing jobs requiring intermediate training level (level 1) which is not lower than the lowest salary level of workers who have completed their training. training in the corporate sector.

Expand the salary relationship as a basis for determining specific salary levels in the payroll system, gradually approaching the salary relationship of the business sector in accordance with the State's resources.

Complete the regime of regularly increasing salary levels and increasing salary levels ahead of time for officials, civil servants , public employees and armed forces in accordance with the regulations of the new salary table.

Thus, it is expected that 5 new salary tables and 9 new allowance regimes for the public sector will be implemented to submit to the Central Government for consideration after 2026 when the Politburo promulgates and implements the Position List system. employment in the political system.

At the same time, in the spirit of Resolution 27-NQ/TW, when implementing salary reform, the current base salary and salary coefficient will be removed, building the base salary equal to a specific amount in 5 new salary tables. Therefore, it is expected that the base salary of 2.34 million VND will be abolished after 2026 when 5 new salary tables are built.

Minh Hương

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Chi tiết mức lương kiểm sát viên khi tăng lương cơ sở lên 2,34 triệu đồng

Minh Hương |

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Phụ cấp Trưởng thôn, Bí thư chi bộ, Trưởng ban công tác mặt trận ở Thanh Hóa


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Nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu dân cư ở Hà Nội


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Khách Hàn Quốc đổ xô du lịch Việt Nam dịp Trung Thu

Đan Thanh |

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