Ho Chi Minh City Union members support flood victims

Nam Dương |

Ho Chi Minh City's trade unions have been quickly contributing and supporting people in the North affected by storms and floods.

On the morning of September 12, the Labor Federation of District 7, Ho Chi Minh City launched the first round of support for people in the North affected by storms and floods.

Mr. Vo Khac Binh - Chairman of the District 7 Labor Federation - said that when Ho Chi Minh City was heavily affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the District 7 Labor Federation received a lot of goods and artifacts donated by the people of the North to serve as a focal point for distribution to union members, workers, and laborers. Those gifts full of affection contributed to helping union members and laborers in District 7 overcome the difficulties at that time.

Lanh dao LDLD TPHCM, cac doan the va LDLD Quan 7, TPHCM dong gop ung ho dong bao mien Bac bi bao, lu lut sang 12.9. Anh: Nam Duong
Leaders of the Ho Chi Minh City Labor Federation, unions and the District 7 Labor Federation, Ho Chi Minh City contributed to support the people in the North affected by storms and floods on the morning of September 12. Photo: Nam Duong

“Immediately after the call from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, agencies of Ho Chi Minh City as well as District 7, the District 7 Labor Federation launched the first round of support for the people in the North affected by storms and floods. At the Conference to summarize the Workers' Movement and Trade Union activities in the 2023-2024 school year and deploy directions and tasks for the 2024-2025 school year held on the morning of September 12, union members and grassroots unions donated nearly 30 million VND. We will continue to mobilize cadres, union members, and workers to donate more,” said Mr. Binh.

Can bo, giao vien nganh giao duc Quan 7, TPHCM dong gop ung ho dong bao mien Bac bi anh huong bao, lu lut sang 12.9. Anh: Nam Duong
Officials and teachers of the education sector in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City contributed to support people in the North affected by storms and floods on the morning of September 12. Photo: Nam Duong

Ms. Le Thi Bich Hanh - President of District 5 Labor Federation - said that the district Labor Federation also has a document implementing the call of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Ho Chi Minh City Labor Federation, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees at all levels to mobilize district officials and employees to join hands to support the people in the North affected by storms and floods.

On September 11, officials and civil servants of Party, mass organizations and District 5 government agencies donated 150 million VND and this amount was immediately transferred to the Ho Chi Minh City Fatherland Front Committee to support people affected by storms and floods.

“Currently, many workers and trade unions in the area have announced that they will contribute to support and hope that people affected by the storm and flood will quickly overcome difficulties, overcome the consequences and soon stabilize their lives again.”

Lanh dao Quan uy, can bo, cong chuc Quan 5 dong gop ung ho dong bao bi lu lut. Anh: Duc Long
District 5 Party Committee leaders, officials and civil servants contribute to support flood victims. Photo: Duc Long

According to Mr. Cu Phat Nghiep - Chairman of the Labor Union of PouYuen Vietnam Company, through the mass media, employees in the company have learned about the huge losses caused by storms and floods that the people in the North are suffering. Currently, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee and the Binh Tan District Labor Federation have mobilized union members and employees to contribute to support people affected by storms and floods. The Union will discuss with the Company's Board of Directors to mobilize employees to join hands to support people affected by storms and floods.

Mr. Nguyen Van Hai - Chairman of Binh Tan District Labor Federation - said that the District Labor Federation has sent a document to all local trade unions to mobilize support for people affected by storms and floods. District Labor Federation officials contributed one day's salary and the entire Executive Committee of the District Labor Federation agreed to donate one month's allowance to support people affected by storms and floods.

Nam Dương

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