Businesses in Binh Thuan recruit more workers to ensure orders


Production and business activities of many enterprises in industrial parks in Binh Thuan are flourishing, many places are recruiting more workers to meet order progress .

By August 2024, in industrial parks in Binh Thuan, there were 66 enterprises participating in production and business, of which many enterprises invested in expanding their scale.

The production and business situation of the above enterprise from the beginning of the year until now has increased compared to the same period. Revenue of businesses reached 5,200 billion VND, an increase of 12.5%, export turnover was estimated at 130 million USD, an increase of 14.3%.

According to the Management Board of Industrial Parks of Binh Thuan province, it is good that most key product groups such as footwear, garments, seafood, wood, paper, minerals,... have stable orders to meet demand. manufacture.

Ms. Doan Thi My Thach - Chairwoman of the Grassroots Trade Union of Right Rich International Co., Ltd., a 100% foreign-invested enterprise in Ham Kiem II Industrial Park, said that in the past, the number of orders was unstable, so the capacity The company's operations declined. But from the beginning of 2024 until now, orders have gradually recovered and there has been a better shortage of labor. Currently, the business needs to recruit about 300 workers.

Mr. Tran Duy Thanh - Chairman of the Trade Union of Binh Thuan Provincial Industrial Parks - said that in the first 7 months of 2024, the average salary of workers in Binh Thuan industrial parks is 6,500,000 VND/person/month. . The ratio of workers paid social insurance to the number of contracted workers is 97%.

Recently, Ham Kiem I and Ham Kiem II Industrial Parks have attracted and recruited workers from neighboring districts to meet labor needs. But the increasing need for labor recruitment has led to a process of competition for workers between specialized dragon fruit growing areas and industrial parks that has been quietly taking place. When dragon fruits are in decline, young workers apply to work as workers to stabilize their income.

Along with signs of improvement in production and business activities of the majority of businesses, at the same time there were also 2 investment projects in the province's industrial parks with a total registered investment capital of 1,045 billion VND.

Up to now, Binh Thuan has attracted nearly 90 secondary projects of domestic and foreign enterprises investing in industrial parks with a total registered capital of more than 16,700 billion VND and nearly 195 million USD.

According to Mr. Phung Huu Cu - Head of the Management Board of Industrial Parks of Binh Thuan province, currently the "bottleneck" of basic traffic infrastructure has been resolved when 3 expressways passing through Binh Thuan are put into operation. Thereby, creating a big push to attract investment and contribute to reducing input costs of businesses.

Industrial parks in Binh Thuan currently have the advantage of land rental prices, infrastructure fees, and cheap labor costs, thus helping investors save in the process of connecting production - business, import and export of goods. .

In particular, the investment environment in Binh Thuan continues to change positively, the local government is ready to welcome and commit to accompanying businesses towards effective operations and prosperous development... also creating trust. to attract projects to fill industrial parks in the near future.

When attracting more investors and filling industrial park areas, the demand for labor in Industrial Parks in Binh Thuan increases and businesses will continue to recruit workers to meet production and business needs. business as well as progress of orders.


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