Accordingly, the basic salary of employees working at the company is adjusted to increase from VND 4,662,525 to VND 5,100,690 (an increase of 9.4%). The effective date is February 3, 2025.

The salary increase makes most working people feel extremely happy.
Ms. Pham Thi Hien (34 years old) - a garment worker at this company shared that the company often has a regulation to increase wages early for workers. The basic salary is adjusted to increase, the rights of workers are better guaranteed.
The female worker said that the company's location is in Region III of Nam Dinh province. In the area, the basic salary of other companies only ranges from 4.1 to 4.5 million VND.
Regarding benefits after the basic salary increase, Ms. Hien said that even if she has to take sick leave, personal leave or holidays, she is not too worried. Because when she takes time off work, her income is still guaranteed, not affecting her daily life much.
“Every time I take sick leave, personal leave or a month with many holidays, my income drops significantly. Increasing the basic salary helps us have at least 25,000 VND more per day off,” said Ms. Hien.
Ms. Hien also feels more secure about the social insurance benefits she will receive in the future. According to the female worker, the high basic salary helps her have more support money if she receives unemployment, and in the long run, ensures a high pension when she retires.
According to Ms. Hien, increasing basic salary is the top expectation of workers when going to work. With this special policy, Ms. Hien affirms that she will stay with the company for a long time.
"The current basic salary is much higher than the regional minimum wage. However, I still hope that when the State adjusts the regional minimum wage in the next period, the company will continue to increase it to ensure benefits for workers," Ms. Hien said.
On the Fanpage of Pro Sports Hong Thuan Factory (Nam Dinh), information about a 15% salary increase for all employees was also announced.

Ms. Tran Thi Loan - a medical staff and union official at the company confirmed that the information is completely accurate and will be applied from January 1, 2025.
Ms. Loan shared that in 2024, the company has implemented many policies to ensure stable wages for workers. The average salary of workers compared to 2023 has increased by more than 5%.
Mr. Tran Van Quan (30 years old) - a worker at the factory said that according to the new policy, her salary could reach 12 million VND/month. Mr. Quan's wife is also working at the company, her income can reach 9 to 11 million VND/month.
With this salary, the male worker shared that he and his wife live quite comfortably in their hometown, without having to worry too much even though they have 2 children.
According to Mr. Quan, the company's salary increase policy will certainly attract many workers in the area as well as workers in other cities to return to their hometown to work.