Comrade Pham The Duyet: "The concern for Lao Dong Newspaper is always intact"

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Lao Dong Newspaper had a conversation with former Standing Member of the Politburo, former Chairman of the Vietnam General Trade Union Pham The Duyet on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of Lao Dong Newspaper publishing its first issue August 14, 1929 - August 14. .2024.

Could you please evaluate the significance of the birth of Lao Dong Newspaper, a newspaper of the working class, for the Trade Union organization and the development of the labor movement?

- Lao Dong Newspaper was born in the turbulent historical context of Vietnam, when the country was under colonial rule and the national liberation movement was increasingly strong. Since the early days, newspapers have played an important role in connecting and transmitting information about the labor movement across the country. This is not only a propaganda tool but also a means to help workers and employees better understand their rights, duties and responsibilities in the common struggle of the nation. Articles in Lao Dong Newspaper always honestly and vividly reflect the lives and aspirations of the working class, thereby creating consensus and strong support for the revolutionary movement.

In the early 1930s, when the Party was born, the working class was the official support, as well as the place where the Party's ideology was built and cadres were selected. The Trade Union Organization in general and the Lao Dong Newspaper in particular are a solid support, playing an important role, contributing to the victories of the Vietnamese revolution in the 1930s. Before the August Revolution of 1945, the voice of workers through Lao Dong Newspaper encouraged and encouraged the revolutionary forces.

In the years 1986-1991, when socialist countries experienced major upheavals, especially the dissolution of Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union, Lao Dong Newspaper always had articles that clearly affirmed the policy. of the Party. Thanks in part to the effective propaganda work of the press, including Lao Dong Newspaper, our Party has overcome a period full of difficulties and challenges to grow and become stronger.

The presence and continuous development of Lao Dong Newspaper over time is clear evidence of the correctness and wisdom of the Party in always attaching importance to the role of the working class and the Trade Union organization. The voice of the Trade Union through the Lao Dong Newspaper not only contributed to helping the Party lead the country to victory but also made it clear that revolutionary journalism must be closely linked to the interests and aspirations of the working class.

Having been associated with the Trade Union and workers for many years, surely you have many memories with Lao Dong Newspaper?

- I have always been deeply interested and attached to Lao Dong Newspaper since the time I worked at Mao Khe coal mine, Quang Ninh. Having held the duty of propaganda officer of the factory Trade Union, then the Standing Committee of the factory Trade Union, the press has always been an indispensable tool, providing official sources of information from Party committees and Trade Unions at all levels to popular among workers, especially mine workers. I still vividly remember the times when Lao Dong Newspaper reporters met and interviewed me, as soon as I stepped out of the mine, my face still covered in coal dust. Those memories are truly unforgettable.

When working at the Vietnam General Trade Union, I had many opportunities to work directly with people at Lao Dong Newspaper. Every few weeks or months, I visit the newspaper headquarters in Hang Bo. From the days of manual typesetting, which was very strenuous, to the gradual modernization with the addition of newspaper making machines, I have witnessed the continuous development of Labor. In addition, staff work, especially staff selection, is always something I am very interested in. There are memorable memories, like the time I took the car to pick up comrade Xuan Cang to become Editor-in-Chief.

Although I later moved to work at the Hanoi Party Committee, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and the Standing Committee of the Politburo, my interest in the Trade Union and Lao Dong Newspaper remained unchanged. Every day there is Lao Dong Newspaper on my desk. This demonstrates my attachment and gratitude to the working class and the Trade Union.

Another impressive thing about Lao Dong Newspaper is its role as a policy critic. During the period of policy changes to implement the reform of the 6th Congress, the newspaper reflected very accurately and promptly on the issues of prices, wages, money, as well as the slogan "Life, jobs, people". democracy and social justice". The voices of the Trade Union and the working class through the Lao Dong Newspaper have helped the Party grasp the legitimate aspirations of the people, as well as issues that need to be corrected in leadership and direction. Thanks to Lao Dong Newspaper, our leadership work is more stable and assured.

What suggestions or expectations do you have for Lao Dong Newspaper in the near future?

- I have many deep expectations, even though I currently do not have the opportunity to meet you all to express them all. I hope that Lao Dong Newspaper continues to do a good job of representing the interests of the working class, participating in State management through participating in building policies, guidelines and resolutions with the Government, National Assembly and Party.

Lao Dong Newspaper is the voice of the working class and Trade Unions, so it is necessary to always expand the influence of our Party and the Vietnamese working class in the country and in the world. In addition, newspapers also need to continue to promote their role in social supervision and criticism, and have a stronger voice to contribute to the work of building and rectifying the Party.

- Thank you very much!

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