Hau Giang grew 9,216 union members in the first 7 months of the year


In the first 7 months of 2024, the Confederation of Labor of Hau Giang province has developed 9,216 union members and established 20 new unions and trade unions.

On the afternoon of August 23, a working delegation of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor led by Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung - Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor - came to work with leaders of Hau Giang province and the leaders of the Provincial Confederation of Labor on union member development. , establishing a grassroots trade union (CĐCS).

Attending were Mr. Tran Van Huyen - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Hau Giang Provincial People's Council; Mr. Nguyen Van Hoa - Vice Chairman of Hau Giang Provincial People's Committee.

View of the working session. Photo: My Ly
View of the working session. Photo: My Ly

Reporting to the working delegation and participating delegates, Mr. Le Thanh Phu - Standing Vice Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Hau Giang province - informed that currently, the Confederation of Labor of the province is managing 12 direct upper-level trade unions at the grassroots level (including 5 district, 1 town, 2 cities, 4 industry unions and equivalent) and 6 affiliated Communist unions. The whole province has 785 Communist unions with a total of 53,162 union members/56,117 workers, officials, and laborers.

In the first 7 months of 2024, the Confederation of Labor of Hau Giang province developed 9,216 union members (a decrease of 7,186 union members), established 20 new Communist unions and trade unions, and introduced 397 elite union members for the Party to consider and admit.

In July 2024 alone, the whole province established 11 Communist Unions; new development of 1,514 union members; introduced 63 outstanding union members for the party's consideration and admitted 39 union members.

Stated. Photo: My Ly
Mr. Tran Van Huyen - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Hau Giang Provincial People's Council spoke. Photo: My Ly

At the working session, Mr. Tran Van Huyen - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Hau Giang Provincial People's Council emphasized that trade unions at all levels have made many contributions to the overall development of Hau Giang province.

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Hau Giang Provincial People's Council requested trade unions at all levels to continue promoting legal policy propaganda activities, taking care of the material and spiritual life of union members and workers. From here, we will achieve and exceed the target of developing union members and establishing Communist unions in the coming time.

Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor spoke. Photo: My Ly
Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor spoke. Photo: My Ly

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor - acknowledged and appreciated the results achieved by the Confederation of Labor of Hau Giang province in recent times.

Delegates participated to express their opinions. Photo: My Ly
Delegates participated to express their opinions. Photo: My Ly

At the same time, the Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor hopes that the Provincial Confederation of Labor will promptly advise the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to review and evaluate from the union perspective changes in the implementation of Resolution No. 02 of the Prime Minister. treatment; Strengthen coordination with authorities at all levels; Build a network of collaborators and volunteers, propagate the purpose, meaning, and benefits of the Trade Union organization, creating a great spread among union members and workers...


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